Monday, October 09, 2023

Gerald Ford Carrier Strike Group on its way to Israel. What happens when they get there?

As I write this, a fleet is on its way to the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, presumably off the coast of Israel.

The question is... what are they going to do when they get there?

USS Gerald R. Ford arrives in Halifax on 28 October 22 (Andrew Vaughan/The Canadian Press via AP, File)

While that is and remains a question, there are a great many other questions to ponder: 

1. As thinly and undermanned as the US Military generally and US ground forces particularly are spread out, now, strategically, would be a golden opportunity for China to invade Taiwan.

What do we do if that happens?

2.  With the arrival of the fleet with the world's largest warship, (USS Ford happens to be that) what are they supposed to do once they get there?

What's the point of sending the Ford, a huge carrier, and sending a Ticonderoga class missile cruiser (USS Normandy) if we don't intend to fly combat missions and fire missiles?

3. Are we (quietly) preparing to send in some variation of the QRF: Marines, Airborne, and Airmobile?

If we're not going directly in a combat role, how can combat by these assets, presuming a limited role such as security for airports, how can combat be avoided given the fact that the hard corps Hamas/Hezbollah fanatics would cheerfully consider a death toll of ten of them to one of us as a victory?

4. What's our reaction supposed to be to the confirmed murder of at least 9 Americans?

This Kobayashi Maru-type scenario is one to consider: Do we risk the lives of our military to retaliate for the murder of nine Americans and the possible kidnapping of others?

Israel, for their part, is facing the possibility of the murder of upwards of 1000 or so hostages likely under Hamas control (allegedly, 750 or so are missing from the rave Hamas attacked. slaughtering 250 or so civilians) which, for obvious reasons, they cannot allow to deter them from a massive and effective response to Hamas terrorism.) as a result of these attacks.

There is a likelihood that at least some number of the postages hold American citizenship. If that is the case, what is our course of action?

5. It's been alleged that Egyptian Intelligence contacted Netanyahu directly and warned him of some unspecified horrific attack coming out of Gaza from Hamas... though they apparently did know when the attack was supposed to take place.

Netanyahu, for his part, apparently did nothing about this. That will all come out in the post-Gaza destruction autopsy. There will be plenty of blame to go around, since a large number bear responsibility for this disaster.

6. What happens if Hezbollah attacks from the north?

It's likely the Ford Strike Group is in range of Israel proper. Is their function in part to intimidate Hezbollah to behave? And what happens if they don't?

There are likely a great many other questions. But these rather intriguing efforts are just off the top of my brain dome.

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