Saturday, October 07, 2023

Biden, the inevitable, and Iran's War on Israel.

By now, those paying attention are well aware that Israel has been attacked by Hamas, Iran's terrorist organization in the region.

This attack was inevitable. Biden's financing of the terrorist state of Iran, providing billions of dollars they used to buy arms and equipment made this outcome obvious.

That it shows yet another horrific intelligence outcome for the US Military (Afghanistan withdrawal, anyone?) is a given... although one does ponder: did we know about it and simply keep our collective intelligence mouth shut? Does anyone put that beyond a leftist Administration that despises Israel?

Not just us, of course, but also the vaunted, famed and fabled Israeli intelligence arm, Mossad, also bears the blame for this failure.  Heads, likely, will role there as well, after the autopsy.

But here's the reality: this blood is, in my opinion, on Biden's hands, much like the blood on his hands for his utter disregard of the massive human rights violations in Iran regarding the mandatory wear of the slavery rag by women, who have the status  of chattel in that prehistoric society. (Side note, ladies: next time you accuse American men of your euphemistic auto-response "misogyny," why don't you take a quick refresher course in what life in many primarily muslim countries is like for women... and, perhaps, reevaluate?)

This is a political nightmare. The Israeli Defense Force now has to go to work. Their retaliation must be immediate and horrifically effective, far beyond a measured response.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is likely finished politically. But for now, this experienced combat commander IS the guy to have in charge of what has to be done.

Which begs the question: what, exactly, has to be done?

The Israeli's obviously caught by surprise, know who's behind this directly (Iran) and indirectly (Biden).

For obvious reasons, there's nothing THEY can do about Biden. But there's a great deal they can do about Iran.

During the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran was the main supplier to insurgent forces. They provided the wherewithal which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans and the wounding/maiming of 10's of thousands more... and we let them.

We COULD have done a great deal more to end that supply chain, but we, as we so often do, did nothing. And a great deal of American blood was spilled as a result.

Israel is well aware that Iran is equally supplying, commanding and controlling Hamas. They run that organization and now, of course, strategically, is an idea time for this variety of attack... or series of attacks (And don't believe this is going to be the only attack) because our attention has been focused on Eastern Europe and Netanyahu/IDF is weakened/shattered by political upheaval in a divided Israel, much of which it must be said, is the product of Netanyahu's failure to understand his own people.

Typically, Israeli response to attacks has been anything BUT "commensurate."

In the "Untouchables" movie, one of the characters (Malone, played by Sean Connery if memory serves) is known for this philosophy:

"He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! That's the Chicago way"
This has been a variation on the theme for Israel. It's pretty much had to be.

What does that response look like and how much will Biden interfere when it comes to attacking his Iranian ally?

The problem for Israel isn't so much strategic as it is logistical.  Biden can cut off their supplies given their primary reliance on American equipment for their military, and he would not hesitate to do so, covertly if not overtly.

Strategically, Israel remains the strongest non-NATO force in the region. But not without parts for tanks and planes.

And while Biden likely would never commit the political suicide of publicly announcing such a cut-off with Israel's survival at stake (No matter how many men, women and children Hamas slaughters or turns into hostages) there is no doubt he's capable of taking this step covertly if he were so inclined.

For the US's part, the Administration will express outrage at this attack, call a United Nations meeting to provide a showcase for that outrage and then send strongly-worded letters. But Biden will also naturally disavow ANY responsibility for the attack he financed by giving billions to Iran.

Meanwhile, one can at least hope that Israel had SOME planning in place for such a possibility... just like we can hope that American military planners have plans in place for any surprise attack we will suffer at some point.

Massive retaliation against known Hamas targets is a given.  But does it stop there?

Does Israel expand their target package to include actual Iranian target's given the reality that without Iranian support and approval, this attack would never have taken place?

Is this the time for Israel to take out Iranian leadership? What about Iranian nuclear sites?  Is this cover for that?

Oh, yeah.... BTW?

May be an image of text that says 'Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Can you believe that Crooked Joe Biden is giving $6 Billion to the terrorist regime in Iran? That money be used for terrorism all over the Middle East and, indeed, the World. This incompetent FOOL is absolutely destroying America. He had the audacity to announce this terrible deal today, September 11th. To pay for hostages will lead to kidnapping, ransom, and blackmail against Americans across the globe. freed many dozens of our people from various unfriendly countries and never paid a dime! 11.5k ReTruths 34.2k Likes Sep 11, 2023, 7:20 PM'

Somebody knew something like this was going to happen. Odd that Biden's people didn't seem to have a clue.

Or did they?

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