Thursday, September 14, 2023

The time has come for the military to remove women from ground combat MOS's.

Army’s top enlisted soldier backs ACFT as Congress mulls future of the fitness test

Soldiers take the Army Combat Fitness Test at Blue Mountain Track at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa., on Sept. 9, 2023. (Kate Kramer/U.S. Army National Guard)

Of COURSE this guy backs Army stupidity.

I'm happy that Congress has stepped in to deal with this insanity.

There needs to be only one fitness standard, regardless of gender.

Infantry qualified women, for example, need to be just as strong, just as fast and just as agile as the men. Otherwise, if they ever are allowed on the battlefield in an infantry role (Although there have been infantry qualified women since 2017, first, they do NOT have to meet these requirements in the infantry and second, no woman that I can find has ever been awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, which indicates that no woman has ever been deployed, trained or not, in the infantry ground combat role.) they will cause more of their own and others deaths in their unit than they will cause enemy deaths.

The Army's Command Sergeant Major would not have been given the job if he had not promised, directly or indirectly, to be anything less than a cheerleader for Army policies... no matter how obviously idiotic they may be.

In the House, the GOP plan is to get rid on this insanity altogether.

In the Senate, they opened Pandora's Box by requiring the ACFT to be what was initially promised: gender neutral.

That is, as it is now, women do NOT have to be as strong as men or as fast. There IS a double standard in the area of physicality, no matter how much Department of Defense/Department of the Army claims women are "equal."

If women in the military are equal, it's only in the Orwellian sense that all pigs are equal... but some pigs are more equal than others.

Bullets, however, don't care. And unbelievably, the standards in the Army have been lowered in the name of gender equality to, for example, this:

To pass this test... you need to be able to do ten pushups.


I actually do get the Army's conundrum here: On one hand, the Army is well aware of the strenuous nature of combat. On the other hand, when they test women to the same standard as men for a genuine combat-needs physical test, the reality of women being typically unfit for the physical demands of combat becomes clear as the vast majority of women fail... which results in democrats delusionally demanding that women NOT fail... which resulted in this horrific reduction in standards to keep women in the military because of the reality that in a combat environment, women will be inferior, will get killed in greater numbers, will sustain more injuries, will lack the needed stamina and as a result, will cause more deaths and wounds to their fellow soldiers who have to not only close with and kill the enemy, but look out for the women who simply cannot keep up.

The solution is obvious: bow to reality and remove women from any ground combat role. This is the defacto policy of the Army anyway, since no women appear to have ever been deployed in the ground-combat role, even though thousands have allegedly been qualified to perform in such a role.

Leftists, of course, demand equality in all things, even when, for example, that equality is impossible to achieve as a result of physical inferiorities that are well known. Thus, they would rather go through the kabuki dance of claiming women in the infantry are a reality, even if, to date, none appear to have been deployed in the standard infantry unit in ground combat.

Leftists are more concerned with "equal opportunity" than equal qualifications and/or equal abilities.

And they'll stand on a mountain of dead soldiers to try and make their point. Even as they fail.

There's a reason women aren't protesting over the obvious inequity of the draft; where, for example, men have to register and women don't. Some inequalities appear to be JUUUUUUST fine when one is in the "situational equality" business as opposed to the genuine article.

The military's insistence on a false equivalency as equality puts the security of our nation at risk. And the illustrated lowered standards, done entirely to accommodate women and their supporters who simply do not understand nor care about the issue of lethality will, one day, cost us rivers of blood as we continue to waste hundreds of millions of dollars training women who, to date, have not been allowed to do the jobs that we the taxpayers have paid them to do.

Review Marine SGM Justin LeHew's response to the insanity of the Navy ignoring the findings of the only actual ground combat test involving three separate units, one of all men, one of mixed gender and one of all women to get a glimpse of the women in ground combat reality.

The "integrated task force experiment" showed the institutional weaknesses of women in the ground combat role, and Obama's Secretary of the Navy made it clear he'd reject any findings that did not support the derangement of that meme.

In short, facts had no place in the consideration of this lunacy.

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