Monday, September 11, 2023

"I feared for my country then. I'm terrifed for it now."

 It is that time again, one of the many "Never Forget" moments that we've mostly forgotten.

I'm sure, if they were capable, that those slaughtered on that horrific, infamous day, would rise up in horror... both at what happened as a result... and at what this country has since become.

Thousands of our finest young men and women who answered the call.... lives thrown away by Administrations that didn't care, that lied, that engaged in shameless misdirection who failed in the primary, misguided mission of leaving these people better off than they were when we found them.

Tens of thousands maimed for life, both externally and internally... lives shattered... trillions wasted... billions in weapons to arm the greatest terrorist Army the world has ever known... a terrorist Army that inexplicably has continued to receive billions from the US government.

Third World, Nazi/Communist government agencies where the not-to-long-ago unthinkable idea that government agencies could not rise above partisan politics, instead, choosing to become enforcement arms of a political party so frightened of losing power they will cheerfully wipe their collective asses with the Constitution millions of us swore to protect and defend... while they happily lie to us repeatedly and do it with a smile.

I feared for my country then. I'm terrified for it now.

Written 3 years ago:

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