Thursday, June 15, 2023

"Where's the outrage?" Independent journalist in Seattle, Jonathan Choe asks the question that needs to be asked.

Day before yesterday, a woman and her unborn child were slaughtered in cold blood while in downtown Seattle at 4th and Lenore St. Her husband was also hit by gunfire in what appears to be a random attack.

Did you hear anything about it? Not on the news media I didn't. (Disclaimer, I didn't review ALL news media to be sure, but imagine...)

The woman and child? Asian American. The husband? Asian American.

The shooter?


(Imagine the news coverage had the family shot up by this convicted felon been black and the shooter white?)

The utterly clueless shell of a city mayor, Bruce Harrell, insists there's no known motive.

Does anyone with a functioning synapse remotely believe he'd be saying that had the races been exchanged for Black victims and a whiter perpetrator? 

Imagine the landscape of Seattle last night had the victims been Black and the murderer white. The riots would have started instantaneously.

The better part of two years ago, Asians in America found themselves under assault. Serious injury and death were the all-too-frequent result.

And "white supremacists" bore the blame.

Except for one minor detail: the perpetrators were almost uniformly black.

In this instance, stunningly enough. a 30 year old convicted felon has been arrested for this horrific crime.

For his part, Mayor Harrell, clearly in over his head at least as much as Portland's clueless nimrod, Ted Wheeler, began tap dancing like Fred Astaire.

There is, of course, a vast difference between what he said in the quote, (provided by Chloe and on video) and reality. "What motivated it" was racial hatred. But the alleged perpetrator was inconveniently not white, which would make stating the truth just a tiny bit awkward for the uber-leftist mayor.

"Very sad?" That's an understatement right up there with claiming the Titanic was a rowboat. The slaughter of innocents is beyond sad. The silence as to the true motivation of these outrages in cowardly politics at its worst.

Quick to point fingers as so many on the left in the media do when the perpetrator is a white, straight, male; leftist authorities and leftist media types frequently engage is this variety of muted response in the face of blood spilled by those almost universally portrayed as victims to further the left's meme. The suspect, one Cordell Goosby, who claims to be living somewhere in Seattle, has a felony conviction for "Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Firearm" in Cook County, Il in September of 2017.

So far, Goosby has been charged with 2 counts of homicide, 1 count of assault and one count of unlawful possession of a firearm. Choe does his usual thorough job of investigative reporting and I urge the reader to follow him on twitter and Facebook or other social media platforms.

His write-up on this outrage is here:

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