Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The "blacklashing" of history continues: Army insanity proceeds as post names are "sterilized."

For those keeping score as the Army wastes $62 million to "cleanse" Fort names (and other facilities, no doubt) that no one ever cared about one way or the other until fringe-leftists started sniveling, here's the list of names changed so far because, you know, changing names changes history.

From the FWIW file, these posts had these names for the entirety of my life. I will refer to them by how I knew them and in many instances, served in them, until I leave this mortal coil.

Besides wasting tens of millions of dollars and making leftists situationally feel better, this blacklashing of history changes nothing. (Hat tip to Van Jones, noted communist and former aid to Barack Obama, who referred to Trump's election as a "whitelash" on election night.)

Renaming posts, particularly after people we've mostly never heard of, accomplishes what, exactly? Solves what, precisely?

Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia renamed Fort Walker for Dr. Mary Walker

Fort Bragg, North Carolina renamed Fort Liberty for the American value of liberty

Fort Benning, Georgia renamed Fort Moore for Lt. Gen. Hal Moore and his wife, Julia

Fort Gordon, Georgia renamed Fort Eisenhower for General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower

Fort Hood Texas reamed Fort Cavazos for Gen. Richard E. Cavazos

Fort Lee, Virginia renamed Fort Gregg-Adams for Lt. Gen. Arthur J. Gregg and Lt. Col. Charity Adams

Fort Pickett, Virginia renamed Fort Barfoot for Tech. Sgt. Van Barfoot

Fort Polk, Louisiana renamed Fort Johnson for Sgt. William Henry Johnson.

Fort Rucker, Alabama renamed Fort Novosel for CW4 Michael J. Novosel Sr.

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