Thursday, December 10, 2020

Odd. Why are the leftists so angry about the Texas et al v. Pennsylvainia et al?

Sooooo the State of Texas (And 17 or 18 of their closest friends) filed suit against the 4 states most heavily involved in the recent fraud known as the 2020 presidential election. (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan)

Now, I'm not going to go over the mountain of evidence which supports the Texas suit.  Anyone following this can see it for themselves if their glasses are not covered with the leftist fog of lies and deceit.

Besides, that's not the point of this post.  As the suit makes its inevitable way up the chain to the Supreme Court; which, let's face it, is where we all knew it would wind up, the left is becoming unhinged.

Their efforts are no longer remotely covert: they don't have to be.  The media is obvious and directly out front in their hatred of the president and anyone connected to him, their hatred for the truth, and their hatred for America.

For me though, the question is simple: why are these whack jobs so angry?

There are only 2 outcomes available here: first, the election was completely legit and their guy, RacistJoe, gets inaugurated on January 20th of next year.

The second possible outcome is that upon review of the suit, the Supreme Court determines that at least part of that action is, in fact, true.

And that's where my confusion comes in.

It's almost like they don't want a legitimate election.

It's almost like issues such a voter fraud, partisan interference, corrupted election workers and hacked voting machines don't bother leftists in the least.... presuming their guy benefits.

If fraud, corruption, hacking, lying and intimidation, along with other violations of the law are uncovered by this suit, you'd think the left wouldn't be concerned about that at all, as long as they get the result THEY want.

But THAT can't be true... can it?

*I* want a legitimate, clean election more than I concern myself with who gets the most votes.  And I have a record of holding corruption accountable REGARDLESS of the party of the scum involved.

And let's remember, it's NOT the criminal standard of evidence that must be met in this situation.  So, the requirement of "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" doesn't apply.

It's the CIVIL standard of evidence, which, not unlike the election itself, requires but 50% plus 1 to tilt the scale of justice in either party's favor.

We now know, because The Belle of Botox, aka, Nancy Pelosi, has admitted that additional COVID aid was held up for political reasons. So, it's actually pretty clear that leftist's hatred has played a major role in the misery of millions of people.

If they would stoop so low as to deliberately injure tens of millions of people in this country, why wouldn't one believe that all of them are lying about this sorry episode as well?

Meanwhile, they seem increasingly angry.  The media is engaging in even more censorship... and hiding their opinion in news as if it were fact.

When it's all too frequently a fiction they made up to trash anyone supporting Trump.

There is no lie too outrageous, no exaggeration too large, and no story they won't make up and lie about over and over and over again... following the Goebbellian garbage that laughingly passes for journalism these days.

"It worked, didn't it?" Then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, commenting on his lies he babbled about Mitt Romney on the floor of the Senate before Romney lost to Obama.

I expect violence if the Court rules in Texas's favor.  I expect what we've gone through to date to be an 8-killed-in-the-intersection wreck compared to the fender-bender we've seen so far.

I freely admit, unlike any leftist I've ever heard or read that BOTH sides of the spectrum have scum representing them.  Just ask Sen. Ann Rivers, the RINOs RINO.

But it sure seems like the left doesn't care about any corruption.  It sure seems that, as long as you're a leftist, you can say or do anything without being held accountable for your actions.

Add to that the pending nuclear explosion of leftist hate if the Court overturns this travesty.

Still, I remain confused.  If it's all good... then what's the problem?  Don't they believe in our system of justice?  Or is that only when it works for them?

See, I am fully prepared for what the disaster of a RacistJoe Administration means.  And that does not include the favorite leftist past times of Murder, Rape, Arson, Looting, blocking traffic or making the lives of police as miserable as possible.

But many leftist cretins take the opposite view and they feel entitled to engage in all of those things.

So please, leftists.  If the Court overturns the election, make sure you take it out on the leftist meccas you infest now.  It could be rather painful if you try and spin this out of control.

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