Thursday, November 26, 2020

The train wreck of the 2020 election.

There will be no winner here.

There are already losers.  The first loser is the American people, who now know with a certainty that our elections are riddled with fraud and corruption.  Some of it obvious, some less so, but prevalent, nonetheless.

Regardless of the ultimate outcome, the losing side will accuse the winning side of stealing the election.  It will make Bush v. Gore look like a fender-bender in comparison.

If/when the Biden scam is overturned, and I still believe it might be; if the Court takes direct action and awards the election to Trump, I fully expect blood in the streets that will make the last 6 months look like a girl scout cookie sale.

The vast majority of the American people must have faith in our electoral system.  After this debacle, the question won't be does the system have integrity... the question will be reduced to who can cheat the best?

The second loser is our justice system.  DOJ has essentially disappeared.  Where's the AG?  Where's their investigation?  Why is this an issue of the President and his attorneys?  Does Barr believe they have no role in any of this?

The third loser is the American people.  How many years have public officials whined about voter apathy and lack of participation?  Well, why should people participate when their votes are meaningless?  What's the point?  If Americans cannot be confident in how these elections are handled... if the result is going to be so obviously fraudulent... then why bother?  Voter apathy will be the rule of the day.

In Washington State, we pass initiatives only to see 9 mental midgets from the King County region declare the will of the people of this state to be unconstitutional, usually on a technicality.

Well, the solution for that is simple: all initiatives are subject to constitutional review BEFORE signatures are gathered.  Those who don't make the cut can be redrafted or bifurcated to avoid running afoul of the so-called "single subject" rule.

Spending millions to pass an initiative only to have the Supreme Court throw it out because, for example, the nimrods in Sideshow Bob's AG's office that drew up the title made a mistake somewhere is both inexplicable and inexcusable.

Yes, I freely admit that voter turnout for THIS election was anything BUT "apathetic."  But perhaps it was anything BUT accurate.  And maybe it was anything BUT clear of fraud.

At the federal level, we clearly need to end state involvement in ballot counting.

There should be two ballots for every legal voter.  The first ballot should be limited to federal elections.

That is, there should be a federal registration to vote on federal elections and a state registration for state and local elections.

All current voter registrations should be cancelled and there should be a period of time to re-register.

To register should require proof of citizenship.  To vote should require proof of identity.  And all voter data-bases should be transparent and scrubable to check for multiple votes in multiple locations.

There must be a single standard for counting votes in federal elections.  Each state must handle federal ballots uniformly.  Federal ballot offices with election observers should be set up in every state.

They should all be counted exactly the same way and have a universal standard of conformity.

Yes, like the last voting commission set up by Carter and Baker, it will be expensive.  But so are fraudulent elections. We can no longer continue with a system that has built in fraud by registering non-American citizens.

Compare and contrast the two methods of voting: At the polls, ballots are secured and guarded. Someone is always watching. A mailed ballot is secure only at the post office and when it returns to the election office. Most of the time, the ballot is out in the open. It can be stolen from a mailbox, filled out by anyone or be freely given to a third party. In between the round trip to the post office, there are no controls. None.

Nope.  None.

And as leftists have shown, they don't care when it's their guy who wins.

This election will reverberate for decades.  And many are seemingly angry at Trump for exercising the same laws Biden would be exercising had the roles been reversed.

But then, to be a leftist is to be a hypocrite.

Isn't it?

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