Sunday, April 07, 2019

Maybe it's time for Lefty Lou Brancaccio to just go away.

Sadly, the Daily Democrat has been under the control of a thug named Lefty Lou Brancaccio for over 2 decades now.

No one has caused this community more damage and divisiveness than Lefty.

When he hates you, he hates you as his most recent diatribe concerning the CRC/Loot Rail scam shows.

His latest twisted view of the CRC scam left out some salient points while being used to, once again, hammer the defenseless who cannot fight back on an even footing, something of a Brancaccio specialty.

Failing to take his own advice ("Don't do stupid stuff") has led to a newspaper that most to the political right of Mao simply cannot abide.

For years, Brancaccio and many of those who worked for him who had sunk to the level of scum; lied, twisted and exaggerated about the non-existent benefits of replacing the I-5 Bridge which was completely and entirely being done to bring the infestation of the hated loot rail into Clark County, a forbearer of wasted billions to come in the future.

Lefty never acknowledged that light rail was the ONLY reason to replace the paid for, functional and safe I-5 bridge.  He does not care that it will cost the commuting public more than $2000 a year (each) in tolls to get to work and back... or that such a horrific toll would blow at least a $100 million hole per year... to start, with ever increasing toll costs to come... into this county's economy... making hundreds of millions of dollars in disposable income that small business around here depends on to survive.... simply vaporize.

Lefty the Thug, BEING Lefty the Thug, again doesn't fail to take a shot at David Madore.  His hatred for Madore is legendary, as is his hypocrisy.

While his love for Tim "The Liar" Leavitt is ALSO legendary... and equally hypocritical.

Lefty, you see, hated and still hates Madore for several reasons, not the least of which is he "blames" Madore for actually implementing the will of the people whom, on every occasion when given the chance, have been overwhelmingly opposed to Lefty's 4th Reich view of Vancouver generally and the I-5 Bridge/Loot Rail scam particularly.

He also hates Madore because Madore never kissed his ring... I mean, ass... so to speak, and as a result he did not and never will get the deference he stupidly believes he's due.

Making The Reflector the official newspaper of Clark County also frosted his shorts as far as that goes.

The result was vitriolic, weekly lie-fest columns filled with his hatred of Madore, and to a lesser extent, Commissioner Tom Mielke, that he obsessed over...

Yet, when it comes to Leavitt... WHO OUTRIGHT LIED TO GET ELECTED (yes, as I pointed out DURING the election Leavitt was lying) Lefty gave... and continues to give... him a complete pass, making Lefty perhaps the biggest public hypocrite available locally today.

Oh, it's not that he fails to mention The Liar's efforts.  It's just that he fails to hold Leavitt accountable for them.  Lefty has two standards.  He applies one to his friends... and he applies the opposite to his enemies... the very definition of hypocrisy.

See, if Leavitt had also come out in favor of the CRC like Pollard, and THEN changed his position to one in opposition after he was elected, there is no doubt the local editorial thug would have beaten him to a pulp.

But in Lefty's world, it's OK to lie to get what you want, as long as when you do it, the lie favors HIS agenda (pro-toll, pro-bridge) instead of opposing his agenda.  For example, the entire CRC scam lied about public involvement.

But that was OK with Lefty, wasn't it?  Because if you oppose Lefty's agenda, you're in for it from the fringe-left editorialist and reporters of the daily Pravda of Vancouver.

For years during the lie fest of slavish support of all things and politicians that supported the CRC rip off, *I* pointed out that the CRC scammers were lying.  How many times did the worthless rag of a newspaper point out that we "seeking public input on this project?"  How many times did I point out that any such conclusion was an outright lie?  (See, the reality is that if they ever HAD been seeking out public input, at least SOME of that public input would have mattered.  It would have resulted in some change... ANY change to their scam plan.  And it never did.)

When then Commissioner Steve Stuart screwed Clark County by voting for sublimating OUR control of eminent domain to TriMet, for example... or pay them $5 million if we didn't (it was never about what was right or wrong... it was about the money, you see) did Lefty come after Stuart the way he's gone after Madore?

Nope.  Because he supported that betrayal.  To Lefty, he really doesn't care how his bidding is done as long as it IS done.

Years ago, for example, I broke the news concerning the true reasons for Jim Jack's resignation from the House of Representatives (misconduct with female staff) and the rag never drilled down on that.  They ignored it.  They made excuses for him and for themselves.  They soft-pedaled it and softballed it... because Jacks was their guy.

But then, the #MeToo movement broke out, and with it... YEARS LATER, the rag found out they could no longer sit on the truth that had had written about years before.

But that is the nature of Lefty.

So, in his column today, he once again allowed his hatred of Madore to spill over, although I do give him props for one thing: acknowledging that the reportage had been in lockstep with the democratian vision... or else:
There were going to be lane closures and commute headaches and big wrenches and all that good stuff. Sure, The Columbian had a great plan for coverage — both before and after the repairs began — and executed it superbly. But the point Tom wanted to make to me was all that bridge coverage was just what the doctor ordered for the newsroom. 
Tom said the newsroom had been in a bit of a funk and having the entire staff coalesce around an important project was critical. It brought notoriously individual staffers together. So that stubborn old bridge became a good thing for the newsroom. “It reinvigorated newsroom careers,” he said. 
Right.  And where are those people now?

So, you see, with the thug Lefty replaced, it was never about what was best or what was right or what the people of this county/community wanted.  That played zero role in it.

It was about getting the little robots to "coalesce" around der fuhrer's vision.  And back during the 3rd Reich, we all know from history what happened to those who didn't see it Adolf's way.  Lefty merely picked up Tommy the K's mantle and ran with it, while he ignored the reality of the community's needs (additional bridges in other locations) wants (cross-river infrastructure that would reduce congestion, i.e., additional bridges in other locations) and desires (no loot rail).

Instead, he became the CRC's bitch.  He supported every lie, every exaggeration and every politician who agreed with him on that point.

And then, a memo surfaced that laid bare the lies of public involvement and the efforts, by policy, to ignore any public input while going through the motions of seeking it out.

To this day, the rag continues to lie about the lack of "public input," referring to it as a "straw man argument."

The FACTS say otherwise, of course, the facts they knew all along, but the rag has never really acknowledged the facts about this horrific waste of money.

Yes, Lefty has been the most damaging figure Clark County has ever known.  He's used his bully pulpit to beat the hell out of those he despises and to support a horrific change in government purely out of admitted spite over his hatred of David Madore.

His incessant rants combined with RINO support and possibly a little less heart had the desired effect, And Mr. Madore is no longer in government, replaced by the worst possible system of government allowed in this country and with fake Republicans (along with a leftist hater who makes AOC look normal) who now typically do whatever Lefty wants them to do (though the jury remains out on Councilor Medvigy, who is working on concerns over his political support)

Nevertheless, Brancaccio's hatred of the man continues unabated.  That moron just got done writing this garbage:
David Madore is known for a bunch of stuff, including manufacturing widget thingies that created a bunch of local jobs and made him a millionaire. But he would have forever been just another rich guy who flew below the radar if it weren't for the stubborn old bridge. Yes, Madore has helped a number of faith-based groups, but you rarely see him at a community luncheon or event.

He's a successful small businessman.  He made money from his work/company. He helps a number of faith-based groups.

But his cardinal sins are two-fold:

He doesn't show up on Lefty's rubber-chicken circuit, which are typically leftist "hooray for me" affairs and, of course...

his opposition to that "stubborn old bridge."

Never mind that David has done more for charity on any given day before 9 a.m. than the scumbag former editor of the democratian has done in the entirety of his life.  Never mind that he provides dozens of jobs where employees typically make family-wage pay and also typically like working there.

He doesn't do it the way Lefty likes it done... and then... there will always be that bridge because, well, in the end?

He made Lefty look like an idiot.

Lefty was SO sure it was a "done deal."  Attacks on the opponents, a slimy worm named John Laird referring to those opponents as "cockroaches" and malignant attacks, individually, on many who have spoken out in opposition to this insanity that will waste billions, foment loot rail and the massive waste of billions that comes with it all while ignoring the 8000 pound gorilla in the room of overwhelming public opposition and a failure to increase capacity through additional bridges over the Columbia.

Image result for trump inauguration snowflake imagesAnd his reaction is typical of what has now become termed the anti-Trump snowflake when it all blew up in his face.

And he has never recovered.

We will continue to hear about Lefty's hatred of Madore until he dies.  And on his deathbed, he will likely find a way to blame Madore for it, as he's found a way to blame him for everything else he doesn't like.

Lefty's hatred of Madore preceded Trump Derangement Syndrome, but it was the model for that exact variety of stupidity.  The day the CRC was put into hibernation, I can envision Lefty in his office, doing an imitation of this snowflake at Mr. Trump's inauguration.

It's just sad that to be a leftist is to live your life based on hatred and hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, it's time for Lefty to realize he's the David Gellatly of local politics and just move on.  He's a has been... a used-to-be-somebody... who thinks what he says or does matters... when we all know that the reality is... something different.

Like Gellatly, who did his best to turn the GOP into either his personal fiefdom or, failing that (and he DID fail that) a serious effort to destroy it... Brancaccio COULD have been a voice for this community that reflected the will of the people of this county and not just the downtown mafia that obviously owned him... and kissed his ass, appealing to his massive vanity to get them the earned media he so cheerfully provided.

He COULD have been somebody.

Instead... he merely became an egomaniacal leftist hack, late and unlamented... just like what's-his-face.

If he were to vaporize tomorrow, would he be missed?

Maybe it's just time for you to go away, Lefty.  I assure you, few would notice.


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