Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Why are extortionist teachers getting paid while they're on strike?

Imagine my surprise when Clark County Today showed us that striking extortionist teachers HAVE BEEN GETTING PAID!

At the end of a contentious 3 hour meeting that ended with the Battle Ground schools Board of Directors behind closed doors, the board voted 5-0 in favor of this resolution.
It essentially notifies teachers that, if they don't return to work by Monday, September 17, they won't get paid. They will not lose money, but won't receive any further checks until they go back to work.
The district is allowing teachers to keep their health coverage, essentially fronting the premium until they return to work.

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Absolutely astounding.

This gets to the heart of the matter.  That striking extortionist teachers got a dime... or any insurance coverage... of any kind?

That is simply astounding.

Is it any wonder these extortionists ram it in and break it off every chance they get?

What does it actually COST THEM?

Absolutely nothing.

Any school board confronted with striking extortionist teachers should cut off their pay the MOMENT they announce they're going on strike.

And the same needs to be said for any of their benefits.

That BGSD took this step is news.

That they NEEDED to take this step... that cutting off striking extortionist teachers from ALL pay and ALL benefits, INCLUDING insurance, isn't automatic?

That is an outrage.  It is inexplicable.  It is unfathomable.  And it must stop.

Ending ANY financial recompense to these scum, these greedy, self-serving lawbreakers (it is illegal to go on strike if you're a public sector employee, including teachers) the MOMENT a strike is announced MUST become the new normal.

If they want to break the law, hurt the kids and their families, and screw up the lives of the classified personnel, then they have to know they're on their own.

Unbelievable.  Astounding.  Inexcusable.

Much like the extortionist strike itself.

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