Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Suggestion for local politicians supporting the resurrection of the CRC/Loot Rail scam.

The latest group of thugs to sell us out is the Port Commissioners for the Vancouver Soviet.

It's no different this time than last time.

You remember, don't you?

The lies.  The ignorance.  The policy of ignoring the people.

All to get Loot Rail into Clark County because, well, you know, after Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers raped our wallets when she betrayed us on her gas tax/tab fee scam for $700 million; and then doubled down by raping us on our property taxes as THEY exploded to pay off her WEA buddies for hundreds of millions more... And THEN caused the extortionist teachers to go on strike as a result...

These SAME people or their ilk, in many instances, want us to feel the pain so we'll park our 5-figure expensive cars and act like ants getting on their Utopian ideal of transportation.

Well, the thought occurred to me that every aspect of this rip off is the same now as it was over a decade ago.

First, there's a bunch of different little governments who want the CRC scam... although it's hard to understand what difference, say, the position of Camas's city council would make on the issue one way or the other.

Those who take this step typically do it quietly, with little notice.  Who knew that the fringe-leftist Steyer-owned and operated Port Commissioners were even considering this stupidity?

Can't clue the peasants in, can we?

The Clark County Council's leftist majority would not be out of place if they were the Peking/Beijing city council.  And when there is advanced notice, a beat down electorate who already knows their position on the issue is meaningless, no longer can take the time off during the work day to let those in governance have it right between the eyes.

That said, besides their leftist bent, those supporting this rip off all have one thing in common:

Of the politicians voting to support this insanity.... how many of them work south of the River?


Of the politicians voting to support this insanity.... how many of them would have to pay the toll just to go to work?


So, once again, what these lowlife sellouts are doing is spending OUR money that THEY won't have to spend as individuals.

And how much are THEY going to pay towards their theft of our money on a project we do not want, do not need and cannot afford?


My suggestion:

That each and every candidate or incumbent who supports this garbage?

Take the same amount from their pay that is required by the commuting public for this and have it sent to WADOT.

After all, THEY are the ones who want it so bad... what their constituents want notwithstanding... why shouldn't THEY be paying for it as well?

After all, fair's fair, ain't it?  They want those of us who MUST go to work south of the river to pay for using their idiotic, unneeded, unwanted, unaffordable bridge just so we would THEN have the privilege of paying even more exorbitant tolls to Oregon once you CROSS the bridge so they can steal the money to help support their socialist government.

That's what these people want.  All to get light rail into Clark County.

As this election comes closer, each and every candidate or incumbent needs to be pinned down as to their position on this.  What is their position on additional bridges in additional locations?  Are they willing to waste our billions to get loot rail into Clark County?  Are they willing to pay as eagerly as they're willing to make US pay?


Why not?

Whatever they tell you, have them put it in writing and be guided accordingly... not that, as Gas Tax Rivers has shown us, even PUTTING it in writing is any guarantee.

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