Saturday, September 22, 2018

The irony of soon-to-be ex-PCO Brent Boger's RINO Julie Olson hissy-fit.

By now, regular readers know that senior RINO Brent Boger was defeated in his effort to get reelected PCO.

Like most of the childish RINOs, he had a hard time accepting his defeat, and then felt compelled to come out and lie about it all by claiming that he "really didn't want the job anyway."

Brent Boger, acting like a full on baby: "I didn't really want to win my PCO race anyway."

The lie was easy to disprove: his efforts to keep the gig spoke for itself.

Well, a couple of weeks ago, ol' Brent (who a month ago claimed he didn't WANT to be a PCO) showed up at the 18th District PCO meeting where, among other things, fellow RINO Julie Olson was tossed out the window when it came to endorsements in her race against Venemen.

Brent didn't like that all that much.  And so, in the spirit of Republicanism which this clown has turned on and off like a switch, he wrote this garbage on facebook about it:

Why Brenty-poo... I'd say, based on your temper tantrum here, YOU do.


I get that Olson thinks, acts and votes like a leftist, much like you would if you could ever get voted into anything that mattered.

But here's the deal:

Olson is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the downtown mafia who, like you, simply doesn't give a rat's ass what her constituents think. Venemen is the exact opposite

Had these same people ENDORSED your fellow semi-communist, would you have written this crap?

Of course not.

You'd have been babbling how these forward-thinking visionaries were the greatest thing since canned beer.

See, Brent, it's not JUST that you're a hypocrite, is the size of your hypocrisy that reeks more than a Camas paper mill.

But that wasn't all, of course.  Boger had to double down on his stupidity and arrogance, and continue to shoot off his pie hole.

Notice the applause he garnered from his fellow leftists in this thread, along with fellow loser Harston and, of course, "Officer" Sean "The Mad Texter" Guard.

You remember Guard, don't you?  He was exposed based on some fairly explicit text messages he was sending to a woman, shall we say, not his wife?

And, of course, that was AFTER he pled guilty to impersonating a police officer.

Back in the day, ol' Brent despised Guard and regularly fed me information to trash him with.

But, as they say, that was then and this is now.

Really, Brent?

Are they?

Well, why does anyone endorse anyone?

Doesn't that same sort of "reasoning" apply to ANY endorsement, you idiot?

For example, when you and those other 4 morons sent that letter out endorsing non-Republican Marc Boldt for County Chair over Republican Rep. Liz Pike back in 2015?

For another example, isn't that why YOU endorsed Marc Boldt over Republican Eileen Quiring in THIS election?

How come 70,000 or so Republicans couldn't "make their own decisions" then?  How come they couldn't make their own decision NOW?

How many faces do you have?  Two?  A dozen?

See, YOU want to do what YOU want to do.

Anyone ELSE who does it in a way you don't like, well, then you have to throw a snit.

Like Boldt, Olson has been a disaster.  Precisely like I said both of them would be.  And when an incumbent gets 22%... an incumbent YOU backed.... what does THAT mean?  (Of course, we need to remember that he only got 39% in the first place.)

So THOSE "12 extremists" did EXACTLY the same thing you... and Donnelly... and Gaston... and Ferris... and Rasmussen did when you turned against a Republican in favor of Boldt...

You have a problem with THESE 12.  But you had NO problem with you five, did you?

So tell us, Brent: how is it that you five RINO extremists have the privilege to endorse, but anyone opposed to your pathetic politics doesn't?

See, in The Almighty Boger's world, the only people qualified to have any judgment are, well, Boger and anyone who agrees with Boger.

Obviously, Brent Hissyfit's hatred of conservatives, amply illustrated here, in fact undercuts his position that he "doesn't care" what they think.

If he "didn't care," then why did he post this tripe?

So what if there's an 80-20 vote?  All that means is that the fringe left, the democrats and the RINOs all voted for their fellow tax-and-spend leftist.

That in no way means that Olson is qualified to do anything but CLAIM to be a Republican, much like Boger, come to think of it.

And don't EVEN think that *I* am "not qualified" merely because I happen to know enough to disagree with fake Republicans such as yourself.

And then, it ended with the leftist Amen Chorus jumping in:

Fellow PCO loser Hartson chipped in with her usual anti-conservative hatred/babble.

Then, of course, the Mad Texter that Boger despised so much when it suited him needed to shoot off his pie hole.

But they're just icing on Boger's playground cake.

So, yeah, Brent.  We get that you don't care that you lost your PCO election to a conservative.  And we get that you don't care what the 18th District had to say about your fellow RINO, because no one who disagrees with you about anything knows what they're talking about and, well, it doesn't matter, right?

And B, I've got to tell you: you're going to be missed as much as you're going to miss us.

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