Friday, September 21, 2018

The GOP Establishment is blowing it on messaging.

One of the many things I've noticed over the years is that while the GOP knows how to get power, unlike the democrats, it doesn't seem to have the first clue as to how to keep it.

The GOP typically runs away from a fight.  Our local GOP regime which is by far the most clueless I've ever seen, stayed absolutely silent when our property taxes exploded.

They stayed absolutely silent when local teachers engaged in extortion that is going to continue to force our property taxes to hit high orbit.

How did their silence embolden people to "Be Bold" and vote Republican?

As if.

As the Establishment at all levels manages to lose us seats in the House, seats in the Senate, seats at our local government and seats in our legislature, when will they GET a clue?

Remember back when Bill Clinton first ran?

The economy wasn't all that bad, but he talked it down to the ground because, apparently, as that MIT guy who built Obamacare told us, "Voters are stupid."

Their battle cry?

"It's the economy, stupid."

Well, if that were true, no Republican anywhere would lose.  Our economy is thermonuclear.  And how has the GOP taken advantage of that?

They haven't.


Internal GOP Poll: 'We've Lost the Messaging Battle' on Tax Cuts

Now, this story is from Bloomberg, so there's no telling if it's true.

But if it is.... what does that mean?

It means one of the BIGGEST weapons in the GOP arsenal, the economy, has been neutralized to "negatived."

And who is responsible for that?

We are looking at a serious ass-whoopin' in November if something doesn't change.

Our candidates are weak to nonexistent on the economy and in fact, the GOP of this state has caused us more damage than the democrats.

Is it any wonder GOP-held seats are at risk in this election?

1 comment:

  1. Case in point: The Kavanaugh situation. The Dems came up with an "unprovable" accusation. The Republicans fall all over themselves to accommodate the Dems. The Dems want to delay the vote until they "win" control of the Senate.

    The PROPER Republican response.

    1. Schedule the supplemental hearing for next Monday (offer "the accuser" a lift on a military aircraft to bring her to Washington).
    2. Hear what she has to say in OPEN SESSION (although it might be necessary to exclude the disrupters in the peanut gallery). Press should be present.
    3. Do NOT agree to any "conditions" established by "the accuser." For example, it is a basic premise of jurisprudence in this country for a defendant to be able to confront his/her accuser. Thus, Judge Kavanaugh should be present and HIS lawyers should be allowed to cross-examine "the accuser."
    4. The Judicial committee should hold its vote before the end of next week so that the full Senate may vote before the end of September.

    The FAILURE of the Republicans to overcome this blatant attempt by the Dems to thwart this nomination will go a long way to hurt the Republicans. Indeed, with the number of failures in Congress, it is increasingly difficult for me to find the energy to even look at a ballot, much less vote for a bunch of zombie idiots with "R" after their names.

    As for "the accuser"
    The accusation is unprovable with the information available.... and thus is is also unable to be disproved. (A perfect "have you stopped beating your wife?" question.)

    1. The accuser may be correct. This seems highly unlikely since Judge Kavanaugh has zero subsequent "incidents" in his past that might have been better documented. The lack of any other complaints or documentation is an indication that this is a false accusation. Any (young) man who acted as the accuser claims, would not have stopped at "one time."

    2. The accuser may have been involved in an incident -- but her sudden recollection that it was a teenaged Kavanaugh (38 years ago) is somewhat of a stretch. If she had such a traumatic experience, she would very likely have considerable recollection of circumstances and locations and other specifics about the event -- despite efforts "to put it behind her." I know that I have had several deeply disturbing traumatic events in my early life that I can recall with considerable details even some 60+ years after they occurred.

    3. She is a "research psychologist" -- thus has the knowledge and skill set to easily "pass" a "lie detector" (polygraph) exam. (FWIW, it is widely known by lawyers and psychologists that polygraph tests are a sham, and only "catch" those for who think it's is "real.")

    3. The accuser may not have been personally involved in an incident, but may have heard of a similar incident from another student at her school. Assuming some level of mental defect (many who go into psychology are so afflicted), she may have incorporated the event into her life. Being a hateful Democrat, she is "doing her part" to help the "resistance." (Colleges are a cesspool of progressive rancor.)

    4. The accuser may have simply made this up out of whole cloth in cooperation with the Democrats to bring down a nominee to the SCOTUS. The point is NOT to testify, but rather to delay the process as long as possible, hoping to run out the clock.

    If the Republicans do not get Judge Kavanaugh through the nomination onto the Supreme Court, they are likely to harvest considerable disgust from the electorate and the Democrats are way more likely to take over both houses of Congress. After all, it will be just another Republican failure. And a typical Republican failure to underestimate the Democrats.


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