Friday, September 28, 2018

I've just added this to the heading: The stories we want to read the least... but the ones we need to see the most.

I admit it; I'm hated by the local GOP RINO establishment. Hated so much that a serious effort seems to be underway to keep me from being seated as a Precinct Committee Officer.

Exclusive of the obvious, that such a move would insure that those living in this precinct would be as silent on Republican issues here locally as they were under the four years Marc Boldt had the job of PCO but blew off the duties and responsibilities that came with it, the charge on this is being led by soon-to-be-former chair, Davey Gellatly.

Part of that, I'm given to understand, is a result of this blog, where he has told others it's "nothing but lies."

Well, facts and truth, you see, are nonpolitical.  Truth wears no political label.  Facts stand alone, regardless of their politics.

And those running their circus certainly do not want to hear... or read... facts that I provide and have provided for the better part of the last 13 years around here. 

Since 2010 when I added a counter, 1.4 million page views have taken place on my meager effort.  Some fairly spectacular months had 47,000+ views, most recently this past July.

Around 17,000 views on my expose's about Gellatly's latest fiascos was the subject.

Well, no good deed goes unpunished in the Gellatly Fiefdom, so his parting gift will be an effort to exclude me, lawfully unopposed as a PCO, from having any seat of any kind in the deliberations of the local GOP.

For their part, none in the Gellatly Cult have ever formally notified me of this effort.  I have attended at least two PCO meetings since the decision was made to deprive my precinct of any voice in local GOP affairs.

I am, apparently, guilty of having voted only for democrats in the last election (2016, I presume) (which is patently false) and writing nothing but lies from my meager effort here in this blog.
Having served the GOP as a PCO, District Chair, County Delegate, State Delegate and Executive Director of the State GOP; the campaigns I worked on (GOP only) including Benton, Rivers (back when she was a Republican, before she lied to us all to get elected to the state senate), Mielke, Pike, Linda Smith, Bob Williams and the like over the last 31 years spared me from such a claim?
I guess not.

What AM I "guilty" of?


You see, I've got this weird idea going on that those who run as Republicans for elective office should actually vote as Republicans when they get there.

I've got this equally strange concept that candidates, who make pledges as a part of their campaign, should be held accountable when they've lied to get elected, such as Sen. Rivers' solemn pledge to oppose any gas tax or tab fee increase, only to betray the people of her district and this county to the tune of $700 million.

And, of course, our most recent teacher strike debacle and property tax explosion, all made possible by that selfsame Senator, who was hired by a DEMOCRAT campaign firm during session where she was bending us over for the WEA (euphemistically referred to as "negotiating") that resulted in our exploding property taxes AND this extortion known as an illegal teacher's strike that caused so much damage and indebted every local school district.

Defending conservatives and working for their election.

You will note that every name on the list above are conservative politicians, strangely successful, in spite of my involvement.

The leadership of this party, both past and present, did everything they could to keep Rep. Pike from winning the write-in candidacy she ran when there was no Republican on the ballot and five former party chairs, including Boger, Donnelly, Gaston, Ferris, all endorsed nonRepublican Marc Boldt instead of an actual Republican.

Talk about hatred of conservatives.

Brent Boger recently engaged in some of that typical rank hypocrisy when the 18th District PCO's were wise enough to endorse incumbent Julie Olson's challenger, Elisabeth Veneman, for her county council seat.

Boger vaporlocked.  And in vaporlocking, he showed his true hatred of conservatives by throwing a fit over the fact his fellow RINO didn't make the cut.

Never mind that the entire county GOP failed to endorse Olson.

Never mind that Boger, himself, has campaigned against conservatives, endorsing Marc Boldt over Liz Pike in 2015 and endorsing Boldt again this year over the only Republican on the ballot, Eileen Quiring.

The sordid details, off of Boger's own keyboard, are here.  Fortunately, Boger was defeated in his PCO race and as a result, the cancer of his involvement will soon be at an end.

Some, including our druggy/four counts of theft 3, DUI'd party chair, have done all they can to get rid of any conservatives, like the slaughter of last October 17, something which clearly will bear a great deal more investigation soon after Reorg in December.

Now, I have certainly discussed these and other issues like these in the past.  You will certainly see them in the future as I examine each candidate and incumbent of the GOP for the following criteria:
    1.  Did they lie to get elected in the past?
    2.  Have they lied since they were elected?
    3.  Did they vote to jack up our taxes and/or fees?
    4.  Do they ignore your emails/letters or other communications?
    5.  Do they vote like the special interests own them?
    6.  Specifically, did they vote in support of the CRC/Loot Rail resurrection?
    7.  Do they support Obamacare and vote against its repeal?
    8.  Do they support an income tax?
    9.  Do they support gun grabbing?
    10.  Do they support open borders, illegal aliens voting, and attack the President for doing the same things Obama did during HIS regime?
    11.  Do they use a big-mouthed spouse out there as a surrogate to attack conservatives?
    12.  Are they arrogant?
    13.  Are they narcissistic?
    14.  Did they vote for that horrific budget in 2017 from the GOP that caused our property taxes to explode and emboldened the teachers to go on strike?
Any one of these reasons or combination of reasons?  Then don't vote for them.

    1.  Do they support an income tax?
    2.  Do they support gun grabbing?
    3.  Do they lie?
    4.  Do they mouth talking points based on hatred?
    5.  Do they sound like they're more suited to be representing the U District in Seattle than any part of Clark County?
    6.  Are they endorsed by anyone guilty of any of the reasons listed under "incumbent" above?
    7.  Do they support Obamacare?
    8.  Do they ignore your emails/letters or other communications?
    9.  Do they support open borders, illegal aliens voting, and attack the President for doing the same things Obama did during HIS regime?
    10.  Are they arrogant?
    11.  Are they narcissistic?
    12.  Did they support that horrific budget in 2017 from the GOP that caused our property taxes to explode and emboldened the teachers to go on strike?

Any one of these reasons or combination of reasons?  Then don't vote for them.

You, of course, can add or subtract anything you like to you list.  But the lists I've provided here are worthless IF YOU DON'T DO THE WORK.
Those are unforgiveable political crimes according to the RINOs and whoever it is jerking Gellatly's chain.

And all of this brings us to the addition I just made to the heading: much of what I write is unpleasant.  I get that.  It doesn't read like a political press release.  I get that as well.

But these issues I raise and tell you about are designed to use the disinfectant of light to clean out a nest of vipers who have failed to understand that their primary duty is not to themselves... but instead, it is to get those with Republican tenets elected... a concept that has escaped the GOP for the last two years as the organization has spent a great deal more time and resources attempting to destroy the conservative element of the local GOP, including taking the essentially unbelievable step of SUING A PCO.

This organization in this cycle has provided zero candidate funding that I can find.  They've spent money otherwise needed on useless signs as they delude themselves into believing they've made and will make any difference ever.

Signs, of course, get no one elected.  But egos won't allow that acknowledgement.

Thus the phrase, the stories we want to read the least... are the ones you need to see the most.

I will continue to fight to expose the lies, the betrayals, the backstabbing and the truth.

Of course, the simplest way to avoid me mentioning these issues is simply to stop committing them.

The Party has a job to do.  The last two years have been a miserable failure in doing it.  Soon, that will hopefully be at an end.

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