Saturday, September 01, 2018

It's time to replace teachers with robots.

As the current round of extortion by teachers and their unions show, these usurious wages are simply unsustainable.

Clearly, the mere act of getting a teaching certificate does not imbue one with vision or common sense. 

Like any other employee, teachers have to provide value for their wages.

These criminals engaging in illegal activities like strikes (it is against the law for teachers to strike in this state... a law they simply don't care about... a law the teachers ignore as they can get money... much like any other thug, any other criminal or in this case, any other extortionists) simply don't care about the ramifications of their actions and the examples they set: specifically, it's perfectly OK to break the law if the money is right.

That would end with teachers being replaced by technology.

Around the country, leftist thugs demand $15 per hour for wages.  And like any other employer, the time has come to act in the best interests of the business, and to lay off employees who do not provide value for the company's dollar... and replace those employees, where possible, with technology... in this case, something akin to robots would do fine.

Robots don't care about wages.  Robots, who don't call in sick and when they malfunction, could be repaired by easily replaceable components.  Robots don't require insane wages, benefits, or retirement.

They could be programmed to stick to teaching and leave their militant leftist philosophies out of the classroom.

Clearly, these striking scum think they're owed something.  They actually believe they're irreplaceable and that the service they perform makes them irreplaceable.  They're dead wrong.

Many minimum wage workers felt... and feel... the same way; only to see themselves replaced by kiosks and signs and burger-flipping robots.

That mechanized technology is merely the start.  And it's long past time to begin the process of replacing others, particularly in the public sector, with technologies that will serve us and do so at the least amount of cost combined with the most effectiveness.

Sadly, today's teachers have knocked themselves off their pedestals of public servants.

One of their lackeys tells us:
"Pay the teachers!!! It is painfully obvious how much we need them. Half of you opposing don't know the difference between their, there, and they're. Lmfao"
The response?
Is this where I point out that the OP actually is an indictment AGAINST giving these thugs a penny?  
And it's "painfully obvious" who's responsible for that state of affairs: the same teachers this clown would bend us over to pay. 
So, tell us: why should they be allowed to rape our checkbooks again, please?
These strikes aren't "for the kids."  These strikes are a result of teacher union desperation (teachers are going to stop paying union dues as soon as this strike insanity is over as a result of the Janus Decision where public employees, including teachers, will have to opt in to paying agency fees)  These strikes are for teacher greed for their part time job and union power.

These strikes, which will likely provide unsustainable pay increases in many instances; resulting in younger teachers being sacrificed under seniority rules on the altar of making sure the more senior teacher thugs can keep their jobs AND their raises while the more junior teachers get laid off to pay for it; provide all the incentive needed to get rid of teachers period, and replace them with technology in an increasingly technologically savvy world.

Just think, if that were to happen, these part time working geniuses who believe themselves to be worth soooo much, could get out there and get a REAL job so they could make STUPID money in the private sector, instead of screwing the taxpayers, insulting us, belittling us and ignoring exactly who the hell it is they think they work for.

Imagine that.

Teachers would no longer be having sex with students.  Disagreements with their philosophies would no longer result in punishment through your grade.  Using the wrong noun name to describe a gender would end the practice of getting suspended or worse.

The first person to reduce teachers to technology will make money that would result in Bezos looking like a street vender.

With technology, schools would become increasingly irrelevant as parents could buy teacher-computers and keep their kids at home and out of the sphere of influence of these thugs.

And over time, the taxpayers would save hundreds of billions of dollars.

What's not to like?

1 comment:

  1. 1. The current management of the school districts should set a specific date and time for teachers to "report for work." Those teachers who fail to do so, should be immediately terminated.

    2. The union leadership should be prosecuted for their role in encouraging teachers to violate state law that prohibits teacher strikes.

    3. The unions that have established strikes should be immediately decertified from being the representatives fo the teachers.

    4. The funding of schools should be through a voucher program where parents can pick ANY school, public or private, to educate their children. There is no reason that government-run schools should have a monopoly on education.

    5. The government should not have any role in accrediting schools and there should be no government imposed requirement that schools be "accredited." Any person or company should be allowed to start a school in a free market.


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