Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Local RINOs who call themselves "conservative." It's now everywhere.

The Gellatly Cult hates conservatives.  But you have to wonder why they insist on referring to themselves by that label when they despise those who actually practice political conservatism.

Out here in the 18th, for example, a huge part of Larry Hoff's problem is that he tries to market himself as a conservative, but he stupidly started out by being endorsed by every RINO alive.

The result?  His disgraceful... and easy to predict... performance at the polls.

You can bet if Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers runs for reelection, she'll try to get us all to forget the hundreds of millions of dollars she's cost us with her record tax increases... with her DIRECT involvement in causing our property taxes to explode... she, too, will market herself as a "conservative."

The scum who put their names on the poison pen lie letters used to impact the PCO races marketed themselves as conservative, or they never would have been elected CCGOP chairs.  But their actions show they hate conservatives.

Five of those people, so-called Republican PCOs, endorsed a nonRepublican for county chair in 2015.

In THIS election in 2018, Donnelly, Ferris, Boger... former Chairs and current RINOs... along with local nutjob Crain, continued to endorse Boldt over his REPUBLICAN opponent.

Is there any accountability for that?  Are Republicans supposed to simply ignore that variety of betrayal?

Nope.  Yup.

Fortunately, of course, Boldt was crushed in the primary with a humiliating 22%, 2.25% less than Rep. Liz Pike was able to put together as a result of her write-in effort back in 2015.  (You remember, Marc, don't you?  The effort you ragged me about after you won the gig with your paltry 39%?  I guess that made your campaign even more miserable than our paltry effort, eh?)

Yes, the term "conservative" is abused quite a bit.  Our druggy GOP chair uses it a great deal, claiming that those who ARE conservative, in reality, aren't.

But it's not limited to the insanity of the current Clark County GOP regime... Venezuela actually is stable in comparison to these idiots.

We see the same thing all over the country.

Establishment candidates running for the GOP who all have one thing in common: none of them are conservative.... even though most ALL of them CLAIM to be.

Why is that?

It's not like the Establishment types would actually LIE or anything, is it?

Mississippi has a problem like that: the woman who replaced a US Senator, who resigned for health reasons, is a former anti-gun democrat who voted for a wide variety of tax increases and gun restriction type legislation when she was a democrat.

But hey, you know, there's nothing like dumping the democrat label when you can still VOTE like a democrat while getting elected as a RINO, eh?

There are, of course, a few RINOs who actually run as RINOs.

Susan Collins of Maine comes to mind.  Murkowski of Alaska has been outed as a RINO.

Our own Congresswoman is textbook RINO, having voted against the repeal of Obamacare while trashing our President every chance she gets.

But the rest who vote like RINOs all market themselves as conservatives... or, like our own worthless congresswoman, conservative "enough" to get elected or reelected.

But this time around, it's really not working.

I, for example, will be writing in "Paul Ryan" based on the example Congresswoman Herrera Beutler set in the last Presidential Election because, well, if it was good enough for her (and it was) then it's good enough for me.

As a result, the vaunted Blue Wave which may not be everything claimed (after all, many of those claiming the Blue Wave is going to happen also loudly proclaimed the coronation of one Hillary Clinton as the President of the United States) WILL be helped along as the base stays home... much like it stayed home earlier this month... and much like it stayed home during the special election last year that cost the GOP-controlled State Senate that control.

They ran a pro-abortion RINO in the 45th in Seattle.  How'd that work out for them?

But as the election comes closer, these same RINOs who spit on conservatives the rest of the time will come begging for our support.  They'll do their best to convince us they're like that.  They'll want us to forget their actual voting record.  Ignore the massive tax increases... the betrayals on behalf of illegal aliens... the insults, the attacks, the lawsuits... ignore ALL of that in favor voting them in (even those like Hoff who are too terrified of accountability to actually tell us what they intend to do if they get elected... and how they intend to do it) As we are to ignore Herrera's threat to vote to impeach the president... and just vote RINO because we have no other choice.

Untrue, of course, but that's what they'll tell us and that's what they'll demand.

Here locally... across the state... and across the country.

It's a tough decision to make, Dear Reader.  When is enough... enough?

When do we hold these people accountable?  HOW are they held accountable?

I look at the numbers... and it seems only one of two possibilities are at play... to a greater or lesser extent... across the US.

Option 1. The GOP base stays home.

Option 2.  Leftist hatred finally brings out their vote.

The more the Establishment/RINO types betray the base, the less responsive the base will be.  No matter what else happens, some element of Option 1 is GOING to be at play.

When those claiming GOP allegiance lose in a close vote?  They'll really have no one to blame but themselves. And here locally, they can also blame the local GOP regime which inspires disgust and anger... and which has cost the party thousands of dollars as money is shifted from the party to cover the legal fees of the victim of Druggy Dave's moronic lawsuit.

Option 2 also has to be considered.  Leftist hatred has never really throttled back since their humiliation at the polls in 2016 when their criminal queen was destroyed in the Electoral College vote.

Leftists hate naturally, of course.  But the biggest issue here is their self-loathing resulting from the cow's loss.

They still can't believe it.

Their natural hatred of anyone who does not share their view is self-defeating.  For those who can actually think, the antics of the left are a natural turn off.  For leftists, they Rule 5 anyone smart enough to disagree and then they do their best to silence opposing views while retaliating against those who espouse those views.

Oddly, the Establishment types do precisely the same thing... though they go about it differently.

Here, the smile while they slam the knife into your back.

This scene from "Gladiator" sums it up neatly.

Having stabbed us in the back... repeatedly... in so many ways... the Establishment powers now expect us to ignore the pain and reinforce our idiocy by voting for who THEY want... their efforts to elect leftists and fake Republicans notwithstanding.

Well, party loyalty is an important element of this game... and that is why I will be voting entirely GOP this upcoming general election.

For every RINO running, I will write in a GOP figure.  As I already pointed out, I will be following our esteemed Congresswoman's example in writing in Paul Ryan for her position.

Others are deserving of the same.

Yeah, I've heard it.  OMG!  What will happen if we lose the House?

The President will be impeached!

Well, what happened when the GOP controlled the House?  How'd they do on Obamacare?  How have they done on cutting government and reducing the deficit?  And as it is, our Congresswoman would vote to impeach Mr. Trump anyway, just like Long.  So what difference would that make?

Reelecting that vacuous waste of skin, that gutless coward, won't accomplish anything the Establishment claims.

My "conservative" State Senator has yoked us with hundreds of millions of dollars of unneeded, unaffordable taxes in Clark County alone in the form of gas taxes and tab fee increases.

Having killed the CRC/Loot Rail scam, they got to her somehow and now she's leading the charge to ram that garbage heap down our throats to such additional hundreds of millions of dollars out of our local economy because the first $700 million wasn't enough.

And her betrayal of all of us so the teachers could scam us:  her failure to tell the state supreme court to drop dead, along with that of the REST of the GOP-controlled senate... a failure that has cost us even MORE hundreds of millions of dollars, wasted on an increasingly worthless and obsolete education plant and allowed teacher greed to put them far ahead of the students as they engage in their extortion of illegal strikes...

Rivers set these strikes up with the deal she cut with the WEA.

Any sentient being paying attention could have seen this coming a thousand miles away.

And when she runs for re-election.... IF she runs for re-election... she'll market her self as someone to the right of Genghis Kahn to get the people of the 18th District to forget all about her horrific record... and instead of focusing on what she IS... focus on what she wants us to THINK she is... so she gets reelected and we get even more punishment for being stupid.

Joseph de Maistre is alleged to have noted that "Every nation gets the government it deserves."

De Tocqueville told us that those people engaging in the democratic experiment do the same: "In a democracy, the people get the government they deserve."

This is the time where, when it comes to elections, these statements ring the truest truth.

Choices have to be made.

Are you one of the sheep?

Or are you one of the sheepdogs?

What are YOU going to do?

If you don't know... maybe it's time to start thinking about it.

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