Saturday, August 18, 2018

Tis the usual season of teacher extortion... or "strikes" as they like to call it.

There are certain things in life that are inevitable.

We've all heard the old saw of "death and taxes," of course, but to that short list we can now add "teacher extortion."

Al Capone had nothing on teacher unions, to be sure.  Each and every teacher strike is illegal in this state, but since most judges and other enforcement officials who can do something about it are leftists, typically, the "public employees can't go on strike" laws are ignored.

Now, most reading this are well are that our property taxes exploded in large part because the WEA bought off the GOP-controlled state senate (at the time) and "Republican" Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers who was negotiating with those scum at the same time she was being hired by a DEMOCRAT campaign firm (Strategies 360, to be precise) and, well, we've all felt the burn ever since.

The teacher's union, BEING the teacher's union, claims funds were "allocated" to jack up their pay.  The teachers of the Evergreed District, for example, are holding a gun to the heads of their students to the tune of the absurd demand that they get 30% over the next 3 years.  Ridgefield teaching scum just voted to go on strike; others will follow suit because here's the reality: NO NUMBER WILL EVER BE ENOUGH.

If they extorted $200,000 each THIS year, these same scum would demand $10,000 more next.

No amount will ever be enough.

To keep this all in perspective, they have a 183 day work-year (Of which many are "teacher conference" days and numerous "early release" days) of 7 hour days.

Their pay for the end product they produce is absurd.  They whine because they have to get Master's Degrees and they act like they had NO IDEA what the job paid when they became teachers or how much they'd get paid once they signed on the dotted line to actually stand up in a classroom.

Every time they'd go on strike in the past, they'd lie and tell us "it's for the children."

Well, that particular pill would be far too difficult to swallow THIS time, since we all know that the only issue is money... in THEIR pockets.

As I see it, you only have two options:

You can accept the outrageous amount of money you're already getting for what you do, the benefits most of us can only dream of, the retirement that is a mere dream for most of us in conditions that are simply unbelievable in schools that typically are built like malls these days, or you can quit.

In the interim, if you somehow think you're entitled to that money, then go to court and sue for it.

But these illegal strikes are nothing but extortion.  It's why I despise the teacher's unions and their supporters.

If you go on strike, those who see how immoral that is... those who see the lesson they teach to children; namely, that it's perfectly OK to engage in illegal activity for money, activity that breaks the law... should cross the picket lines and go to work with the other staff and substitutes who likely will be doing the same.

Once again, the teachers are holding our children hostage.  And once again, money in their pockets is the overarching reason.

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