Friday, August 17, 2018

Jaime Herrera's latest scam: electioneering at its worst.

So, Herrera is once again wasting our time on another go nowhere bill that does nothing... EXCEPT to make the people of the 3rd Congressional District THINK she's doing something about Oregon's toll scam.

The bill?

Stop Oregon from collecting their Washington State Welfare tolls unless both leftist governors approve.

Big whoop.

The obvious unconstitutional elements aside, like either leftist would NOT approve of this scam?

So, Jaime drops yet another pointless bill that will go nowhere, like the last pointless bill that she is so incompetent she couldn't even get out of the Republican controlled House... and all so she can confuse the voters at home into believing she's actually doing something to stop Oregon from tolling us.

It's not the first time she's done this and the outcome will be the same: nothing.

Meanwhile, she'll finally show up back home because she's in a fist-fight with our resident carpet-bagger.  For her part, Herrera thinks we're idiots.

She's rarely here and when she IS here, she holds town hall meetings with the frequency of a comet fly-by.

And now, she's dropped a bill that she'll TRY and sell as the cure-all to our tolling problems with Oregon.

Not that Herrera doesn't LOVE tolls, you understand.... she just doesn't want Oregon to collect them for whatever their purposes are... instead of Washington collecting them for the CRC/Loot Rail scam.

And Herrera knows that if Oregon gets these tolls?

The I-5 Bridge scam is toast.

So, in the end, Herrera is once again trying to fool us into thinking one thing while she's doing another.

Except those of us who know how the game is played no much, much, better.

And that's why *I* am going to write in Paul Ryan for her congressional seat.

After all, Herrera wrote him in for President, right?

And what's good enough for Jaime is good enough for me.

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