Friday, July 27, 2018

The perfect solution for the congressional vote this general election: write in Paul Ryan.

So, I was reading Jaime Herrera's bogus effort at damage control on Clark County Today this morning and it was what I figured.

No responsibility for any of her many failures.  No explanation for her efforts to vote like a democrat on the issues that matter the most to the people of her district.  No explanation for her failure to address the horrific cross-river transportation issues confronting us.

Just a great deal of whining and deflection to others on her inability to get a bill passed to stop Oregon tolls:
“Basically I was led to believe that our senators weren’t going to stick up for it,” Herrera Beutler said of Cantwell and Murray and a conversation she had with the lead writers of the bill. “There was no way they could fight for it if our senators from our state weren’t going to. And lo and behold it disappeared. So that was my biggest stick right there. It was just a flat moratorium, and because there was no support in the senate, I don’t have it, like, it fell out.”
She hasn't even bothered to introduce a bill, in fact, merely a "one year moratorium."  And certainly, the unnamed "lead writers of the bill" could be persuaded due to the importance of this issue to keep it in the bill ANYWAY, if for no other reason than to weaken Cantwell's reelection bid, at least in SW Washington.

That she couldn't even explain THAT to these guys?  A fence post has more brains.

What this shows is yet another monumental failure on her part to do the pre-action legwork needed to get this thing passed.

She babbles "there have been several attempts to reach Cantwell and Murray."

Apparently her legs are also broken because she can't seem to walk her ass over to their offices and simply walk in.

Yeah, she put a LOT of effort into this, right?

So... what's a Republican to do?

Simple: we do what Herrera did when it came time to vote for President: we write in Paul Ryan.

Local RINOs will flip out at the idea, of course. "Jaime will lose if you do that!"

Gee. Wouldn't THAT be a shame?

Would anyone notice if she did lose?

A great deal of the time, a democrat replacement (If Earl doesn't make it through) would vote like she votes anyway.

A leftist replacement would join the same "do nothing" list Herrera has amassed.

They'd oppose President Trump. They'd oppose the repeal of Obamacare. They'd do nothing about cross-river transportation. They'd also be perfectly happy with tolls.

In fact, where it matters, there's no difference between any of the leftists running and Herrera, except for Martin Hash who is the only democrat running opposed to the CRC/Loot Rail scam.

So why write in Paul Ryan?

Simple: that's who Herrera wrote in for president in 2016 and if it was good enough for her, it's good enough for me.

Now, I'm not going to write in anyone for the primary.  I'll be voting for a candidate...

But I damned sure know who I am NOT voting for... for the 5th consecutive time: the RINO narcissist who doesn't give a damn about Republicanism OR the people of the 3rd District who has the seat now.

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