Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Has his drug use fried Gellatly's brain? How else to explain THIS insanity:

Those paying attention are well aware of the issues the local GOP chair brings to the table.

Admitted drug use: Cocaine.  Positive home tests for meth and methadone.

Uses threats in public.  He has, for example, threatened me.

His "leadership" of the local party has been utterly incompetent and petulant.

Suing a PCO?  Check.

Blowing off a hearing on reporting violations and costing the local party $72,000 because of his arrogance and stupidity?  Check.

Criminal record, including multiple counts of Theft 3, multiple DUI's, bench warrants for failure to appear; multiple actions for eviction?  Check.

Failing to make sure that all elected seats had GOP opponents, like the House seats in the 49th and the county treasurer? Check.

Making moronic efforts to "tresspass" GOP activists merely because we're smart enough to disagree with this punk... going so far as making an effort to have a candidate for the 17th District chair position arrested because he showed up at GOP headquarters to run for the job?  Check.

Other stupidities and inanities?  Check.  Not the least of which was last night.

Being the political equivalent of Captain Queeq from the Caine Mutiny.
"Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers..."
These things and his numerous public hissy-fits are documented.  You would think that after all of these months of getting hammered, he'd grow up... and understand the damage that he's caused and continues to cause because he's leading the local GOP down the crap hole.

But, no.  He's never at fault.  All of the many disasters that have befallen the local GOP are ALWAYS somebody else's fault; he's never to blame for anything bad.

To hear him tell it.

His massive political ignorance is only exceeded by his ignorance on running a VOLUNTEER political organization.

Those who disagree with him are frequent targets of his drug enhanced rage.

In the time he's had since the takeover, Davey Delete has learned nothing.  He has no more of an idea of leadership, or setting the example, or accomplishing goals beyond being a complete tool for those picking up the tab then he does on how to rebuild a Demon carburetor.

Last night, for example, that moron AGAIN completely lost his mind and threatened another who was merely asking a question:

That's the result of what happens when you link to someone else's Facebook page on  a public post.

It was by no means deliberate.  But Gellatly, again playing the role of clueless idiot, went over the top and expressed his typically fake outrage by demanding that the picture of his kid be removed.

Of course, with the impacts of his drug use having effected his brain this badly, Gellatly threw yet another of his playground hissy-fits, instead of communicating with the poster off line if he'd been so damned concerned.

But then. as a punk and a bully, this is the kind of thing you might expect him to do.

He threatened Halle directly and publicly.

Claimed that he was stalking his kid.

and then:

Of course, any time that anyone points out the facts about Druggy, it's "slander."  Druggy seems to forget that "slander" is his favorite past time.

He has slandered many, including myself.  He has attacked many.  He has exaggerated about many. And he is really good at deflecting blame.

And then, realizing what a complete moron he'd been, he did what he always does: he deleted the post he made.

Poof!  It's gone!  It never happened!

Yeah...that's the kind of leadership the RINO clique wants: Leadership from a guy that NONE of them would hire in the corporate world... or any other world, for that matter.

Remember this.  Remember what these lowlifes are trying to do to us and who they're trying to do it with.


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