Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The reeking irony of the democratian: In Their View: Heed Toll Concerns.

As expected, the downtown mafia's mouthpiece, the democratian, is sniveling about Oregon's plan to toll us so they can suck additional tens of millions out of Southwest Washington citizenry, because the hundreds of millions they scam from the people of Washington State, both here and in other locations along our state's southern border, are simply not enough to subsidize their socialist state.

For purposes of this post, however, that is neither here nor there.

For over a decade, this same cancer on our community routinely did the very same thing they now are whining about when it comes to handling Oregon's attempt to extort this fortune from us to further subsidize their socialist utopia.

This same newspaper routinely engaged in character assassination, lies, exaggerations and a downright smear campaign against conservatives who fought the CRC to a standstill.  That slimeball little worm that ran their editorial page, John Laird, referred to those of us opposed to their scam as "cockroaches," for example.

Even now, these same morons still whine about the temporary loss of their beloved rip off.

You see, they have no problem yoking us with tolls... major tolls... almost $2000 per year for each of the 60-odd thousand commuters who sadly earn a living in the Portland metro area.

The only qualifier?

That the money sucked out of our jugular goes for THEIR scam... instead of Oregon's.

For years, the people of this community... this county... tried to get the morons infesting the Vancouver Soviet to listen.

They refused.  They attacked those who stood against them.  They continue to loath the opposition to their scheme much like they hate President Trump.

The last sentence in their self-serving pap addresses the sting they STILL feel because we dropped their plans into the river, so to speak:
Washington’s rejection of the Columbia River Crossing proposal in 2013 created unnecessary enmity between the states. We understand that. But we hope that Oregon does not add to the discord with an inequitable tolling plan.
And that's the stench of their reeking irony, even now.

Killing off the CRC/Loot Rail scam remains just as important now as it did then.  But the bitter taste of their defeat, where they were out hustled, out-fought and out-campaigned STILL makes them ashamed of that loss... where, once again, they continue to blame everyone but themselves.

It also confirms that they learned nothing from the humiliation of the defeat they so richly deserved, and that even now, after all these years, they still don't give a damn that the people still oppose their multi-billion dollar waste of money.

The tone and tenor of their begging little editorial does show that they're starting to get just a bit upset that Oregon is doing to them exactly the same thing these downtown Vancouver slime did to us: ignore us.

And they really, really, REALLY don't like that.

Their problem?

They long since lost the moral high ground.  You cannot demand that others listen when you, yourself, refused to listen when YOU had the opportunity, like they refused to listen then and refuse to listen now.

The other part of the problem is even more simplistic: we have zero leverage.

As I pointed out, Oregon is not going to listen.

Why should they?  The example was set by these same whining, sniveling low-life punks so many years ago when THEY had the opportunity to listen and WE, they thought, didn't have any leverage.

No, Oregon is not going to listen for the simplest of reasons: they don't have to. From Oregon's perspective, that's great reasoning.

And the irony of it is that for the downtown mafia of THIS community, it is the reasoning THEY frequently use when it comes to their implementation of THEIR agenda.

People object.  People try to run initiatives.  The city sues them into silence.  The city changes the rules to silence the opposition to their scams at city council meetings.

The democratian, BEING the democratian, supports those efforts to shut us up.

But now?

Now the shoe's on the other foot.  And the panic that's setting in downtown is simple: if Oregon sticks it to us with tolls, when the time comes for the scum in downtown Vancouver to do the same to get the CRC Scam built, any politician supporting that effort will likely get hung... either literally... or at the polls.

So, they hit their knees in a futile effort to beg Oregon to leave us alone so the downtown mafia can screw us with THEIR tolls instead... because guess what?

The CRC will NEVER happen if Oregon implements tolls... and they damned well know it.

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