Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Huge mistake for the President to cave to the democrats/RINOs on the fake children "separation" scam.

In one of the biggest "tail wagging the dog" leftist scams to date, the President has played it smart.

Up until now.

NOW, the democrats have formulated a strategy to get him to jump through just about any hoop they want.

Come up with bogus allegations (Judge Roy Moore, anyone?) yell enough, lie enough, exaggerate enough... and, apparently, Mr., Trump will fold like a cheap suit.

Those paying close attention know that this is a scam.  The left has nothing else, so they made this crap up out of whole cloth.

It's not like, no matter what he does, this issue is suddenly going to go away.

To take any action in line with leftist sniveling is to plead guilty to their charges.... no matter how bogus they are.

It is to verify the leftist allegations.  It is to hand them an issue, not only for the mid-term elections, but elections to come. And the left will beat Republicans to DEATH with this... because as we all know... it's all they've got.

It is stupidity wrapped in political idiocy.

These "parents" are here illegally, they put these children at risk to get them here, proving they are unfit to be parents regardless of any other issue.  (and yes, each and every parent should be DNA tested to determine if they are, in fact, parents)

But the reality is this: they have no right to be here; their children, presuming they are their children, have no right to be here, and the lot of them should be deported as a family unit.

But in the end, the responsibility for this situation rests entirely with the adults who brought their illegal children here.

Want to avoid separation?

Then agree to deportation as a unit.

End of problem.

And the president is making a HUGE mistake if he gives in on this.

Huge.  Much like the mistake he made signing that idiotic, adding-to-the-deficit budget he agreed to.

The president has nothing to gain by caving and a great deal to lose if/when he does.

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