Friday, June 15, 2018

The bogus "boys competing as girls" scam.

Another year, another controversy.  Fake girls competing (if you want to call it that) against the real thing.

I'm of two minds on this:

In the military, for example, they're fed that bullshit line that women are absolutely equal to men. They can do everything men can, just as well.  (Including getting pregnant WHILE in Ranger School) That's an obvious lie, of course, but that's the party line. It's the ultimate in gender equity... "equality" when, by every measure, it doesn't exist.  (Reference the Marine Corps study referred to by Marine Sergeant Major Justin Mayhew.)

(Note: my obvious reference here is PHYSICAL only.  Hopefully, at some point, before too many get unnecessarily killed or wounded, the military will realize what a major mistake they've made by putting women in ground combat... because of their physical limitations.)

"Equality" is a strange concept in many ways. When a society pro-offers a concept that is a flat out falsehood in hopes that if you hear it long enough, it can become the "truth," this is the kind of thing that is bound to happen.

Leftists who, for example, wouldn't dream of allowing adolescent or post-adolescent boys to shower with girls when it's THEIR girls involved, have no problem requiring those in public schools to allow boys to share locker rooms with girls and shower with them.

As long, of course, as the girls in question aren't THEIRS.

So, on one hand, this is yet another example of reality (Physically, men are typically superior to women in athletics) clashing with the fantasy of physical gender-equity.

On the other hand is the obvious. If these guys want to call themselves girls, the obvious answer is to simply require them to compete against each other... and leave the biological girls out of it to have their own competition.

I get where that blows the leftist meme of fake girls = real girls and competing against the real thing, but here are the available choices:

We can have a few freaks upset that they're not competing against girls under the fake concept that these boys are, in fact, just as much girls as those born with a uterus. This, of course, would reconfirm the fact that as much as leftists claim it and as much as these punks might want to believe it, merely claiming you’re a girl doesn’t make it any more so than claiming you’re, say, a giraffe.

Or, they can be required to compete against those of the sex they were born with. Don’t like it?


SOMEBODY is going to get screwed here.  SOMEBODY is going to get mad. And in this case, the tyranny of the miniscule minority over the MASSIVE majority has no place on the athletic field.  We'll just have to risk it.

This sort of thing happens just about every year. And until these athletic associations and organizations grasp the obvious and acknowledge reality, these farces will continue and expand… and girls who had the expectation of competing against other girls instead of whack job punks who think they’re somehow superior to girls… when, in fact, they’re merely yet another proof of typical male superiority in athletics… will be heartbroken in the end because they're forced to ignore reality in favor of some lame, bogus, political game.

I don’t say any of this lightly or because I’m a male. But in, for example, PROFESSIONAL sports or, for that matter, even college sports, women simply cannot compete against men.

See, the NFL isn’t going to give a rip about political correctness or illusory ideas that on the field, that the sexes are equal.  The only thing that matters is can you run, can you catch, can you block, can you tackle.

And until in everything from running, to throwing, to tackling and carrying, MOST women are as good at it as MOST men, then this sham of boys competing against girls is a joke and a farce.

Of course, many of these organizations are afraid to separate out the whack jobs from the real deal. They’re afraid of being sued and, of course, they’re afraid of the media crucifying them.

Well, those things are likely whenever anyone takes an anti-leftist stand. It comes with the territory.

But that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done.

Some fights are just worth having.

And on that note, I’ll leave you with these few words from someone who ought to know:
“Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?' But conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?' And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but because conscience tells one it is right.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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