Friday, June 15, 2018

More teacher union extortion, this time from the Evergreed teachers.

As regular readers know, I loathe, hate and despise teachers unions.

They hold our children hostage over their salaries, make outrageous demands and we always, always, ALWAYS cave to them.

And that makes me a guaranteed "no" vote on all bond and levy requests.



The next time any teacher anywhere lies to you about how their strikes are for "the kids," show those scum this.  It never HAS been "for the kids."

And for me, the response is simple:

If you're a striking teacher I have to presume you're a moron.  A blithering idiot who simply was unaware of what teaching paid.  An ingrate who couldn't read the contract you signed and who had no real idea what the commitments were in time, standards and education when you TOOK the job.

Here's the thing: no one forces you to teach.  You don't like what the job pays for your 183 day, 7 hour work day job?

Then quit.

You don't like your retirement, bonuses, local pay increases, step increases, and benefits are?

Then go pump gas for a living.  I don't want you in a classroom with children.

Here is a letter Rep. Liz Pike (R-18) received from the Superintendent of the Evergreen School District, where these scum are demanding a THIRTY PERCENT PAY INCREASE OVER 3 YEARS.

It spells out their extortion.

Strikes are illegal in this state.  These scum ought to be jailed if they try this.

Oh, yeah... and a special thanks to Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers who helped to do her best to both cause our property taxes to explode for this crap AND to cause these scum to try and hold up local districts for even MORE pay.

Liz Pike - 25 mins ·

Attention Evergreen Public School (EPS) families; first off I wish to thank all of our dedicated teaching professionals who work hard in their classrooms to prepare our children for a bright future!

Their job is not easy!!!

This email was sent to me by EPS Superintendent. The union is taking a teacher strike vote on Aug. 23 if they don’t get the 30% increase over three years that they are demanding. Right now EPS and the union have one remaining year on a three year contract that provides for an 18% combined increase (including a 6% raise next year). This is not enough to satisfy union bosses and they are demanding an 18% raise - not 6% in year three. EPS taxpayers - do you favor a 30% increase for teachers or the current legally binding contract of 18% over three years? I’ve been told the union demand will bankrupt the district.

Here’s additional details contained in the email sent to my Legislative email address.

“Representative Pike,

As you may have seen and will continue to see throughout the summer, the Evergreen School District is working through a demand to bargain by the Evergreen Education Association. In addition to letting you know that all of the materials are available on our web site (Labor Relations Page), I want to share with you some of the specific information relative to the district position.

When the dust settles from the McCleary fix implementation, Evergreen will not be one of the districts that benefit. The attached McCleary Court letter was sent to our community showing how Evergreen (+$6.5M) compares to Vancouver (+$14M) and Lake Washington (+$65M). While we have shared this information with the Association Leadership, they are still continuing to demand an 18% compensation increase (EEA Proposal attached). We are trying to be good stewards of the taxpayers’ investment in education and do not have the ability to meet this expectation without significant damage to our instructional program and long-term financial stability of the district.
Here is the current status of bargaining and the district’s position:

Summary of Negotiations:

There have been two bargaining sessions lasting about 90 minutes each.

The Association Leadership presented a salary schedule that constituted about an 18% increase above the current year and 12% above the agreed to contract for next year.

The District wants to discuss when to schedule the state-funded PD/LID day and the Association Leadership is proposing to include the funds for the new day in the salary increase and not add an additional day.

The district presented financial information on future revenue projections, cost analysis of the Association Leadership’s proposal, and comparisons to Lake Washington.

Both sides agreed to the accuracy of the District’s financial projections.

The District and the Association Leadership disagree on the interpretation of some key McCleary “fix” legislation on salary limitations.

Association Leadership canceled the next meeting and walked out several hours early on the last meeting indicating there is no reason to continue talking until the district changes its legal interpretation and agrees there is no 3.1% cap on increases for next year. Since that time, they have reached out and agreed to meet again on July 19th.

On June 13th, the Association Leadership authorized a strike vote for their scheduled meeting on August 23rd absent a new salary schedule even though we have an existing contract for next year. 
Summary of District Position:

We have an existing contract in good standing. This contract can continue to be implemented for the upcoming year in compliance with established law. It will provide approximately 6% compensation increase for next year making the total 3-year compensation increase in this contract 18.56%. At that time, the Association Leadership asserted, and we agreed this increase was to make up for lack of BEA funding from the state. The district position is to honor this contract and thanks to the work of the legislature, we can financially afford the third year (see below).

Evergreen will not be realizing any significant ongoing increase in overall funding due to the McCleary “fix” legislation.

Unlike some other districts, our reduction in levy and high experience level of staff offset nearly all of the state funding increase.

The district will be glad to continue discussing options and alternatives that are compliant with current regulations and can reasonably fit within the district’s financial limitations.

For way of comparison, compensation numbers for the current (2nd) year and next (3rd) year of our three-year agreement are:

Current 2017-18 Average:

$57,383 Salary Schedule Base Salary,

22.55% R&I of TRI = $12,940,

4 days = $1,275

Total: $71,5798 (+$1,500 professional fund)

Starting teacher total compensation = $45,568 (+$1,500 professional fund)

Top End teacher total compensation = $85,888 (+$1,500 professional fund)

Contract 2018-19 Average:

$58,473 Salary Schedule Base Salary (1.9% Inflationary increase),

27.55% R&I of TRI = $16,109 (5% negotiated TRI w/ no additional duties or responsibilities),

5 days = $1,624 (addition of new state funded LID day per contract)

Total: $76,207 (6.44% increase) (+$1,500 professional fund)

Starting teacher total compensation = $48,501 (+$1,500 professional fund)

Top End teacher total compensation = $91,417 (+$1,500 professional fund)

Please know that my door is always open for discussion and to answer questions as we work through this difficult process (see WEA Press Release above). Please feel free to call me.

Serving Evergreen’s Future

John Steach EdD

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