Saturday, May 26, 2018

As expected, Non-Republican Crain continues to support democrat Boldt for County Chair, even with a Republican announced against him. So, what's the local GOP going to do about it?

Crain's endorsement of Green from Green's Campaign page
You can say many things about the local RINOs, but Carolyn Crain CONTINUES to be the very definition of the term "Republican In Name Only."

Among other things that hypocrite is known for was her dogged and inexplicable support of my democrat brother-in-law against Rep. Liz Pike's write-in effort.  She went so far as to set up a PAC with a fake Republican name to support that idiot, who has been the exact disaster I knew he would be, and clearly her hatred of Republicans to the right of Mao continues.

Boldt, who at one time USED to be a Republican, formerly renounced his allegiance to the GOP when he ran for county chair.  Before he tried (and, of course, failed) to get the GOP endorsement (and what a debacle THAT effort was) the formerly pro-life Boldt had sold his soul to the political devil to get the endorsement of the fringe-left "Young Democrats."  (And for those of you who continue to labor under the delusion of the fact that he is STILL "pro-life," ask yourselves... would the Young Democrats have endorsed him if he were?)

And if the price for that endorsement was a pledge to raise every tax and fee in Clark County Government, and to continue his rabid support of the CRC Scam, then he and the other Three Stooges delivered in spades.

That, of course, makes no difference to a nimrod like Crain, who passes out judgments of OTHER'S party loyalty like she passes gas, is THE current prime example of the very thing she cheerfully and quickly condemns others for.

Crain, of course, will tell everyone who'll listen that *I* am NOT a Republican, since I have in the past (and will continue to in the future) refused to vote for the corrupt RINO's who lied to get elected, lie WHILE elected and lie to STAY elected.  And I don't deny it for one minute.

I guess what's mystifying me is how she can do the exact, same thing as a Republican Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) and get away with it.

How is it that she can throw a fit over MY opposition to her pet RINOs... but then she can turn around and do the exact...same... thing... and no one on the Executive Board bats an eyelash.

Crain, who had endorsed democrat Chuckie Green in his race against Julie Olson (even though there was no way to tell Olson and Green apart) had this on her Facebook page:

Oh, his "leadership" WORKS, all right.  Every special interest that owns him gets paid back in spades.

The irony of Crain's babble in her Green endorsement (Green used Crain's mumbling on his campaign website) is that if she really believed that tripe she wrote, she'd ditch Boldt like he was radio-active.

Boldt, for his part, appears to be the only elected official in this state who has been permanently banned by the Public Disclosure Commission from handling his own campaign finances as fallout for making $5000 from his own campaign in 2012 disappear into his own wallet.

And in all the time there's even been a PDC, to have achieved such a distinction?

So Boldt, for his part, can't control his OWN campaign finances... but he's expected to control the multi-hundred million dollar budget of this county.  What could go wrong?

And, of course, as I knew it would, the announcement of Republican Councilor Eileen Quiring as an opponent of Boldt makes no difference to RINOs generally or to Crain in particular.

As a result of Crain's ongoing endorsement of Boldt, the local GOP Executive Board should toss her wide-glide out of every possible position they can that she has.  They ought to silence her.  And they ought to exclude her from ANY campaign related planning or knowledge, because whatever information she may glean from her involvement in that process will immediately be provided to Boldt's democrat campaign firm ran by Jimmy "The Liar" Mains.

Crain, BEING Crain will now, of course, do all she can to sabotage Quiring's candidacy because, you know, that's how hypocrites roll.

Meanwhile, one wonders: what IS our drug-addled Chairman going to do about it?

And everyone who reads this needs to ask Davey the Druggie that very thing... presuming he's sober enough to understand the question.

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