Thursday, March 15, 2018

Davey Delete was busted for THEFT 3 a SECOND time: memo to the Columbian - why aren't you covering this?

As previously noted, it seems the Chair of the Clark County GOP has a sticky fingers problem.

Well, it would also seem that three counts of Theft 3, along with an additional count of bail jumping, really didn't make enough of an impression on Davey Delete.

And the outcome?  Well, "dismissed" isn't exactly the term.... this is, in fact, what happened:

"Pursuant to civil compromise filed."

In Washington State, the "civil compromise" language is for this:
5. Civil compromise. A civil compromise is essentially an agreement by which the defendant compensates the victim for any loss in return for dismissal of the charges. RCW 10.22.010.

RCW 10.22.010

When permitted—Exceptions.

When a defendant is prosecuted in a criminal action for a misdemeanor, other than a violation of RCW 9A.48.105, for which the person injured by the act constituting the offense has a remedy by a civil action, the offense may be compromised as provided in RCW 10.22.020, except when it was committed:
(1) By or upon an officer while in the execution of the duties of his or her office;
(2) Riotously;
(3) With an intent to commit a felony; or
(4) By one family or household member against another as defined in RCW 10.99.020 and was a crime of domestic violence as defined in RCW 10.99.020.

So what does it mean?  Essentially, he did it or the evidence was such that conviction was likely, and the victim was bought off.

Now, had the local GOP done a competent job of vetting this clown, this all would have come out and the entirety of the embarrassment of having this idiot as a party chair with the disaster he's brought to the table with him would have been avoided.

But he's there. It's hard to claim defamation when this has been lurking out there... and all of that begs the issue:

Why hasn't the democratian been covering THIS?

They had no problem covering the bizarre and unconscionable suit Gellatly filed against a party PCO... they read this blog on a regular basis... so why haven't they covered this?  They even went so far as to publish the suit itself.

They afraid of getting sued like Richard Colwell?

Or are they doing what they usually do and have done so often in the past?

Covering for their buddies?

Let's presume that Gellatly was something even close to a conservative.  Do you think for one second they'd be sitting on this?

If Gellatly was, for example, named David Madore, don't you think that such a story would have been front page, above the fold, for weeks?

And what does the democratian do?

Nothing.  Not a peep.  But then, when you're a leftist, covering is what they do for you.

Interesting that we have yet another example of the Lazy C's double standard.

It's difficult to see Davey as any kind of a victim of anything but his own stupidity and arrogance.  This individual has repeatedly attacked me and has gone so far as to threaten me personally.  That he would file a suit against anyone over something as lame as this with a record like this?

That the Columbian refuses to cover this when you know they'd be crushing any conservative in a similar situation?

What do YOU think?

1 comment:

  1. Ironically, those screaming on the internet the loudest; Mark Engleman, Kenny Smith and Christian Berrigan, Joseph Wagner were instrumental in getting David in the drivers seat, as the chairman of the CCRP - now throwing stones and bricks inside of their glass house.


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