Friday, December 08, 2017

There's stupidity. Then there's democratian stupidity.

Few organizations in Clark County have done more damage to this community that the local democrat daily, the democratian.

A paper of lies run to benefit the downtown special interests... an organ of political bigotry here at the local level rarely seen anywhere since the destruction of the third reich, they make the same mistake that most arrogant, unaccountable people and groups make: they ALWAYS think they're the smartest guy in the room and they NEVER make mistakes.

This cancer on our community has never stopped doing their best to ram loot rail and an unneeded, unwanted, unaffordable and unnecessary multi-billion dollar bridge down our throats that we do not want, do not need and cannot afford... all to get loot rail into Clark County, much like a fungus.

They then lie about why it needs to be replaced (The only reason they've sniveling about it is to get loot rail over here from the cesspool known as Portland... where billions have already been wasted on their fail social experiment of their version of transportation.)

And today, they double down.

One of the anonymous morons who write their editorials like the DNC paid them by the word, stupidly advocates yet another infringement on our rights by claiming that guns should be banned from the capitol.

Never mind that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.  The only time these scum whine about Constitutional Rights being violated is when they believe THEIRS are at risk.

There is zero reason to ban guns from the capitol.  None.  Their leftist fantasies of what "might" happen do not rise to the level required to ban ANYTHING.

Further, if such a ban were put into place that would automatically demote an entire class of people... mainly those who carry guns... to second class status.

Considering the amount of damage these scum have done, it would make more sense to ban their paper than to require those of us who carry to disarm, all to make THEM feel better.

And, of course, we know how those gun-free areas have all worked out... schools, government buildings, movie theaters and the like... for those who actually follow these fringe left, gun grabbing rules.

Such a ban would do... absolutely NOTHING to make it "safer" for lawmakers and spectators as this clown, who obviously does NOT carry a gun, would lead you to believe.

Habib is blind in more ways than one.  His "decree" (yeah, because, you know, "decrees" are how our democracy/republic is SUPPOSED to function, right?) overlooks the most important fact: those who follow the rules are no threat.

Our newly elected idiot of a Lieutenant Governor spake thus:
“I don’t want us implementing this type of order the day after some type of tragedy,” Habib said. “I want to be doing it pre-emptively.”
Yeah, because, you know... unarmed teachers at Sandy Hook worked out well... unarmed college students at Virginia Tech were surely amazed that the scumbag who slaughtered them must have been unaware that the campus was a gun free zone, because the guy who knew the policy certainly wouldn't have violated such a rule to slaughter dozens of innocents... right?

Unarmed churches.  Unarmed movie theaters.  Unarmed night clubs.  Unarmed sidewalks and Christmas Festivals and beaches.  Unarmed offices.

Many... too many... turned into slaughter houses.

You see, those who do not follow the rules or obey signs won't care about his decree or the daily democrat's sniveling about it.

And if, after this decree is put into force... someone... or a group of someones... who really don't care what the local version of Pravda says or thinks, or what our fringe-left nutjob of a Lieutenant Governor "decrees," comes in and turns the place into a slaughterhouse in large part because no one could shoot back... what kind of policy will this nimrod implement THEN?

How would he bring those people back to life?

How did he bring those children back, those students back, those government workers in San Bernardino back, those kids at the Bataclan, those men and women at the Orlando nightclub back?

He didn't.

There are many, many, many different kinds of tragedies in our history.  And many of them occurred in large part because of this same kind of insanity... the kind of insanity that reduces people to targets...  and results in gallons of blood being spilled because those like Habib... who never seem to suffer as a result of their infringements on our rights... are rarely impacted by their stupidity.

But then, they're surrounded by.... guns.

So, there's little chance of that ever happening, is there?

And it's very strange that a despicable rag would, when it suits them, pull out a "will of the people argument," when such a will around here, locally, is utterly meaningless to them unless it fits in with THEIR agenda.

But then, hypocrisy is the oil that lubes their leftist gears... and typically, this is no different.

Once again, the leftists come up with an idea... a violation of both state and Federal Constitutions (What does "infringed" mean, anyway?)  Wherein those who follow the rules and laws are punished for that very thing... while those who ignore the rules could care less.

And one wonders: if the moron who wrote the idiotic editorial I'm writing about here had been trapped in that, say, Colorado movie theater, sitting next to me when that guy opened up from down below... is he going to tell me not to pull my .45 and shoot back?

If it's his 5 year old in a kindergarten class and a gunman breaks in and starts shooting, is he going to demand that the armed teacher just keep her .38 in the desk and let that clown kill his or her baby?

And if someone opens up from the gallery in the Senate, would Habib be upset if I pulled my weapon and eliminated the threat?

What if I didn't and our Lieutenant Governor were shot and killed?

Would that be "some type of tragedy?"

Not for some.  But it would be for Mr. Habib.

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