Friday, December 08, 2017

Put federal taxes aside for the moment: State and local taxes set to explode next year.

Regular readers already know that the state portion of our local property taxes is set to explode, thanks in large parts to the efforts of RINO Senators Rivers, Wilson, King and Braun... all of whom were a yes on the most recent disaster of the recent WEA/Supreme Court sell out budget.

These 4 and many others are responsible for the horrific tax increases we face beginning next calendar for the state portion of our property taxes.

Here, locally, is the lineup:
School district tax increases: 2018 (Median taxable single-family residence value)

Battle Ground School District taxes: $250 ($289,900)

Camas School District taxes: $330 ($378,300)

Evergreen School District taxes: $210 ($244,000)

Green Mountain School District taxes: $190 ($224,000)

Hockinson School District taxes: $340 ($385,900)

La Center School District taxes: $260 ($303,700)

Ridgefield School District taxes: $290 ($339,000)

Vancouver School District taxes: $220 ($251,600)

Washougal School District taxes: $240 ($272,000)

Woodland School District taxes: $170 ($192,800)
(Source:  Legislative Office of Program Research)

Your actual property taxes will vary based on your home's value, but if your house is worth more than the listed value, you will pay more.  If your home value is less, you'll pay less.

This massive increase, which in my case will represent a roughly 12% overall increase in a single year, is not alone.

Additional tax increases, such as Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers' massive gas tax/tab fee increases, costs of drivers licenses (If you're not an illegal alien... their licenses will be cheaper than CITIZEN'S licenses, again, thanks to Sen. Rivers) and now, the usual Marc Boldt-inspired and leftist sock-puppet approved 1% increase in the COUNTY portion of our property taxes... in addition to any tax increases actually voted into place within each school district, or in my case, Fire District AND School District tax increases... and 2018 is shaping up to be a major pain in our wallets.

Not everyone will be hurting from this: the teacher's union that Rivers works for (She was hired by democrat campaign firm Strategies 360 while she was "negotiating" with her fellow democrats in Olympia for this fiscal rape) is going to make bank from this extortion.  The special interests who own Rivers like Mr. Lincoln had not freed the slaves will, no doubt, show their appreciation to her.

And these are just the start.  The Legislature is, no doubt, going to screw us at least as much next year as the GOP-led Senate screwed us this year.

And the GOP wonders why they lost the Senate.

Meanwhile, I pity any school district effort to pass bonds or levies in addition to the state mandated extortion the Legislature and the County has already nailed us over... as these tax increases obliterate either population growth or inflation as any kind of excuse.

On those infrequent occasions when we're actually given a voice on tax increases, I will be a solid "no."  I simply cannot afford it.

The pain at the state and local level has just started.  And WE put the people into office who're doing this to us.

Remember that on the off-chance you feel like wasting some time at a town hall meeting tomorrow.  I know I will.

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