Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Last night's Nazi putsch: Why even bother to have an executive board?

That IS the question.

The local board has made a decision... actually, several decisions...concerning operation of the local GOP organization.

The question for me, is why even bother to have a board?

I mean, what's the point?

Insane Clown, who is to our horrific misfortune currently the Chair of the local GOP, acts as if the board is an annoyance and has zero authority.

Clown has a history.  It's well known and readily available on my meager effort here... but his sockpuppets, those who typically despise those of us to the right of Mao, don't care about that.

Regular readers are well aware of that history... lies, threats, intimidation, attacks, incompetence... but that brings us to this question: what makes him think that a board dictate, legally arrived at (in this case, the cancellation of Clown's lynch mob effort scheduled for today) may simply be ignored at Insane's whim?

That Insane believes he can... reasons notwithstanding... is reason enough to get rid of him.

Because if he can get away with this... why even have a board at all, except, perhaps, one that will act as his own rubber stamp?

Even before the meeting, he had the locks changed on party HQ's, again without authorization...

Who is he to order that?

Who paid for that?

Insane led off the evening by putting security on the door to keep out anyone not a PCO.  He had no right, authority or ability to do that, of course, but scumbag's gotta scum.

I'm also told that among that group, his strip club buddy of some renown was involved.

Who paid for that?

Insane brings in, apparently without notice, his guy: Kirby Wilbur, to run the meeting.

No conflict there, right?  Did the Board appoint this guy to run the meeting?  Does anyone think, even for a moment, that Wilbur didn't have his marching orders, agreed to in advance, before Clown brought him in?

Who paid for that?

I'm also told the "parliamentarian" that Wilbur appointed was, naturally, the only one of the 4 I've read that approved of Gellatly's actions... again, all without notice to the PCO's.

Who paid for that?

In addition, I'm hearing that the Square Dance Center has now permanently banned the CCGOP because some moron named Herrera provided alcohol and some idiot named Gellatly allowed it.  Not to mention, I understand, the $2550 fine that goes with it.

Who's going to pay for THAT?

The sockpuppets claiming that any of this was "fair" are either deliberately ignorant, or simply politically ignorant.

But the common thread was their ignorance.

The very idea that last night's lynching was anything other than conflict piled on conflict is absurd.

So, Clown survives yet again.  We have the scumbags running the local GOP that we deserve.

The votes to execute the opposing Board members were close.... documenting the divide between the RINO scum and those who actually care about the tenets of Republicanism.

Crain has now managed to merge her fake Republican group with the GOP organization, since Clown and Clownnette have been working together hand and glove to take over the GOP since Insane stopped trashing her to me 6 months or so ago.

For me, the solution is simple: I will refuse to vote for or support any fake Republican that these scum support.  In fact, I will vote for their opponent.

They'll now work to bastardize the label and rewrite the bylaws to get rid of the requirement that candidates "support our core principles and party platform" to be endorsed for office.

It's inconvenient to the RINOs, doncha know.

That's what they wanted... that's what they got.

1 comment:

  1. It was first thought as well? What use it an executive board, if you can just ignore them completely? I am still trying to process what happened... still shocked really...


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