Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Insane Clown didn't wait long, calls a same day "special meeting."

When your local party chair is an outright scumbag like ol' Insane, I guess this sort of thing is to be expected.

Whereas, Insane Clown is a lying son of a bitch, be it resolved that he is the worst political chairman in the history of this county.

It had to be today where Davey crapped on the bilaws... because, after all, that's what our resident scumbag does, right?

No lie he won't tell.  No threat he won't use, no exaggeration he won't spew.

He can't reinstall Clyde Holland, of course, but he doesn't give a rat's ass about the rules when he can ignore them.  Clyde was removed by a majority of PCO's in his district.

This went out THIS morning from the scumbag's keyboard.

From: David Gellatly <>
Date: Oct 18, 2017 9:40 AM
Subject: Special Board Meeting October 18th, 2017
To: Karen Trumbull Jim Johnson Tom Tangen Piper McEwen Leslie Meharry Clyde Holland Joel Mattila George Hacker



Welcome new members. Tonight is a special meeting called prioviously for the purpose of passing a resolution.

This is the only agenda item tonight, so it should be a very quick meeting. I know people are a bit exhausted...

Attached is the proposed resolution. Thank you all and feedback is welcome.


David R. Gellatly


Clark County Republican Party

Special Meeting - October 18th, 2018

Board Resolution to Issue a Republican Reset: 

WHEREAS, new board members were elected on October 17th, 2017 which reset the board to serve in the best interest of the Clark County Republican Party.

WHEREAS, previous resolutions approved by prior board members included proposals which directly conflict with the CCRP bylaws.

WHEREAS, previous resolutions and meeting minutes approved by prior board members included inaccurate information.

WHEREAS, previous board members have taken actions which were not in the best interest of the Clark County Republican and its members.

WHEREAS, there may be policies, resolutions and board appointments unknown to the current board and not set forth and agreed upon by the current board and shall be bound to.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that any and all policies, resolutions and board appointments which have not been not ratified by the Clark County Republican Central Committee, and which were passed prior to October 17th, 2018 by previous boards of the CCRP are hereby null and void effective immediately on October 18th, 2017.

THEREFORE, be it also resolved that the Clark County Republican Party Board declares this a Republican Reset for the party leadership and is committed to re-focusing on the purpose of the CCRP as outlined in its bylaws.

Article II, Purpose: Section 1. The primary purpose of this organization is to elect Republicans who support our core principles and party platform to public office. Other purposes of this organization include but are not limited to those listed in the following sections. Section 2. To provide opportunities and encouragement for all interested Republicans in Clark County to participate in Republican political activities and to participate in the formulation of the Republican Party and general public policy. Section 3. To promote fair and open election processes in which all Republicans can participate. Section 4. To provide fair and open caucus and convention processes in which all Republicans can participate. Section 5. To promote the Core Principles of the Clark County Republican Party as adopted according to Article XIX herein.

You can bet MY "feedback" ain't "welcome." 

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