Friday, September 08, 2017

Herrera's "No Toll" Amendment? Big deal... why are people so giddy about that?

So, Herrera got off her wide-glide butt and FINALLY... FINALLY... did something legislatively that addresses tolls.... Never mind that she voted against getting rid of Obamacare, for many, the only reason she doesn't walk on water is that she doesn't like wet shoes.

What she's done, though, does absolutely nothing to address the cross-river transportation issues confronting us... and that goes to how utterly worthless our fake Republican Congresswoman actually is.

She has been in office since 2011.  And in all that time she has done nothing to resolve our cross-river transportation issues.  In fact, she supports tolling, as long as it's not going to Oregon per se', but instead is used to rape the commuting public of Clark County to replace the paid for and functional I-5 Bridge.

People who should know better are giddy about her passing an amendment to a bill that is not and may not ever become law.  She is, once again, hoping to confuse the people of the 3rd Congressional District with bright, shiny object politics... the science of confusing motion, with action.

She has had YEARS to make something happen.  The GOP, as fake as they are, has controlled BOTH Houses of Congress since 2014, and what has she done?


Of course, this simple idiot also joined up with fringe-leftist whack jobs Cantwell and Murray to trash President Trump during his campaign... you know, the kind of thing that essentially GUARANTEES the White House won't help us with ANYTHING because she's such a leftist hack... so it's not like the President would ever support any effort by her to actually make a difference.

But here's the reality:

Instead of passing ticky-tac amendments that will, essentially, accomplish nothing... why isn't she actually DOING something that will address our lack of bridges/cross-river transportation issues as it is?

Where is HER plan?  Where is HER vision?  Why has she accomplished nothing in all of her years in Congress to actually make a damned difference in THE most pressing economic issue confronting the people of her district?

Inquiring minds want to know.  The rest of you, who actually think she accomplished something with this nickel and dime, going nowhere amendment?

Not so much.

1 comment:

  1. I recently received a solicitation from our Barbi Doll Congressperson. Here's my response:

    I "rate" political performance and reward politicians accordingly. Your Score:

    1. Good relationship with the Republican POTUS (and Administration Staff) -- Zero
    2. Repeal (and replace) Obamacare -- Zero
    3. Pass a National Right to Work Law -- Zero
    4. Investigate and prosecute extensive corruption during Obama Admin. -- Zero
    5. Support a NEW crossing (not replacement) of Columbia River with NO TOLLS -- Zero
    (and to think she HAD to run a poll to find out if her constituents support or
    don't support Tolls on the existing bridges. I note she reported 85% said
    NO TOLLS.)

    RESULT -- Your score is ZERO -- My donation to your re-election is ZERO.


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