Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Chair Gellatly's resignation announcement.

I was sent the following by an anonymous source: "Little Birdy."  I have taken steps to authenticate it and if DRG claims that he did NOT write this...

From: David Gellatly;;
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 10:13 AM
Subject: In Order To Part[sic] Our Party First...

Hello Board Members, 
*This communication is for the current active board members and requested to be kept between these members until resolution is agreed upon.* 
I have come to a place where I believe myself and the majority of the current board have irreconcilable difference. These similar differences between the Vice Chair I was elected with and these board members caused her resignation. Leslie was a great partner for the past year, and I feel the time has come for me to follow in her footsteps in the best interest of the party so members can focus on the purpose of the party which is to elect Republicans.  
With this in mind, I am willing to resign at our next central committee meeting and hold the election of both a new chair and vice chair. A chair selects a vice chair to run with, per our by-laws, so it would be expected they would find a replacement if needed. However, with a resignation in place in would then inappropriate to hold the election of the position as it would not be selecting a partner but rather a replacement. Therefore, I would also cancel the call to meeting for the special election of the vice chair. 
The current state of the board is not what I signed up for and since I see no path forward together that doesn't damage the party. While many people wish this fight to take place, I feel that during a campaign season where we should be and are committed to be helping candidates this would be the worst option possible for our county and the party's future. Therefore, I am asking that during the next 7 weeks we all focus on the current election which has an extremely busy schedule, local including phone campaigns, door campaigns, fundraising campaigns and the statewide important 45th LD race. The schedule is slammed full of extremely important event and timelines, and we owe Cox, Greene, Coursey and others the focus of our efforts and the PCOs immediate efforts. Those who have shown up recently certainly understand this. 
In this short 7 weeks' time, we can part ways and agree to all do what we can to put our party's interests first rather than our disagreements. I expect to be able to deposit the $5k I secured to fund the launch of these initiatives by Friday this week at the latest. I am working on building the phone and walking schedules currently and the fundraising phone back time. I could really use all your assistance in making this successful as this will be left in your hands soon and will take some time in the next weeks to transition, as well as the funds we will be raising to get you all to the next Lincoln Day Dinner and balance the monthly budget. 
If you still feel the need to meet on Saturday, I am happy to address any and all concerns as well as bring forward issues. However, the more focus we take away from candidates and instead direct towards our disagreements in this final countdown for our candidates, the less support and efforts we are directing towards. So I will leave this up to you as to whether to focus on our purpose as a party or indulge in the division. I am working closely with Christian Berrigan and Carolyn Crain on a couple races, and I strongly believe that if this trio can sit in the room for hours working together for the best interest of the party, us as a board should be able to put the party first for the next few weeks as well.


David R. Gellatly
Clark County Republican Party
Clearly, Gellatly had no intention of keeping his word.

He worked for... and received... a large enough of a minority (Losing 7 to 4, including his vote (which he should not have given) after bringing back a resigned Vice Chair who bent over the entire party with her illegal vote.. which he had no right to do.) to keep his job.

Yes, this is another sign that this man should be fired.

He is a liar who has, in fact, lied repeatedly to anyone that he believes serves his purpose.

This was him... doing that.  And he needs to go... the sooner, the better.

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