Monday, August 21, 2017

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, David Robert Gellatly ACTUALLY COMPARES HIMSELF WITH THE PRESIDENT!

But first, a musical tribute to poor, poor Chair Gellatly.

There are many groups and people who sing it better than the Seekers... like my junior high school choir... but nevertheless, it's important to set the table for what I'm about to show you.


Davey's having a tough day.  Being outed as a rank hypocrite when it comes to trashing me and my meager little blog NOW, but being all over it and supportive when he needed it THEN... well, while it goes to his pattern of life, it does tend to reduce HIS "moral high ground" to rubble that looks like the end result of an A10 convention just outside Kandahar.

Yes, he actually wrote... and posted... this today:

That this simple idiot could POSSIBLY compare himself to President Trump... is simply... beyond belief.

DRG has no idea what difficult is.  He's got no clue about the kind of pressure President Trump faces on a minute-by-minute basis.

What kind of idiot tries to compare himself to the president under these... or any OTHER...circumstances?

No, Davey, you DON'T have to "deal with it."

You can resign... or you can be thrown out.  The president, of course, will do neither.  But then, you ain't him.

In fact, you ain't fit to carry his luggage.

And it takes a truly huge narcissist to even fantasize that he is.

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