Friday, July 01, 2016

Another Lew Response

As the secondary subject of Lew's presentation here, I do feel compelled to respond.

First and foremost is the concept that I am doing anything... ANYTHING... as a result of being "told" to do something.

I get that such a position from Lew makes it easier for him and those who agree with him to take the positions they take as well.  After all, my opposition to my brother-in-law's election was, according to Jim Mains, a direct result of me being PAID, by Madore, to oppose him… and no one who supports or works with Madore can possibly tell the truth about anything because, well, they work with Madore and Lew despises Madore and, per force, anyone who supports him or is in any way involved with him.

The “Madore was paying him scam” was a lie.  But Jim Mains was the source and he’s good at lying, particularly in a case like this because, hell… what else COULD he say?

Well, here's the thing:

I speak my mind.  I arrive at my own conclusions.  When I present, for example, facts which I believe show Ann Rivers to be unsuited for elective office that, indeed, is what they are.  Facts.

Rivers does not dispute them.  The video of the Rivers/Vick Battle Ground Town Hall meeting last January that Brent Boger surreptitiously shot (as if I would have changed a word if he were standing in front of my face with a camera on) and Lew Waters publicized through his blog along with the screen shots of what I wrote and she put on her campaign web site for the 2012 election tend to verify most everything I allege.

That I oppose Lew's positions on these people has absolutely nothing to do with Madore.  Again, I get that Lew WANTS them to...but here's the reality: Madore's involvement in what I write or Madore's lack of involvement in what I write is totally and completely irrelevant.

The ONLY thing that matters are the facts.

And up until recently, the FACTS that Lew are damned well aware of would have made a difference in his conclusions.

Now, because of Rivers’ political positions against Madore, he deliberately overlooks her lies, her broken pledges, her fake PDC reports overstating her campaign account by a paltry $150,000 or so until I blew the whistle on her... because they support each other politically and that is ALL that matters.

It's as if, after all these years, Lew doesn't happen to believe I'm capable of independent thought.

And I get that.  For Lew to acknowledge that my positions have absolutely nothing to do with Madore would end his ability to justify his own positions.  For Lew to hang on to the idea that I am doing what I'm told personally justifies his response to anything I write... a response that has yet to question the facts I present... but, because in Lew's world, I'm somehow a Madore "ally" those facts remain both meaningless and valueless.

During the decade plus I wrote my blog, I made it clear that I would oppose any politician who would govern me that I could provably show to have lied, mislead or manipulated.

I've always efforted the facts as I understood them... always tried to apply the same standard to everyone, regardless of party.

Lew applies two separate and distinct standards; one to those he opposes, one to those he supports.

I submit that it is his right to think and write any damned thing he wants about Madore, right or wrong.  I've never said otherwise.  His blog, his rules.

But I am mystified as to why that rule only applied to Madore and not to others who share his view about Madore.

My response to his rather alternative-world endorsement list in the 18th District was to provide the facts he knew of but deliberately left out.

My response was to question WHY he would do that.  For I have YET to see anything from anyone that questions the veracity of my observations in that regard, only my method of presenting them or, in Lew's case, that I presented them at all.

Lew has yet to directly respond to my allegations.  He fails to make any claim that what I've written is incomplete or inaccurate.

Because he can't.

So, he allowed his wife to beat the hell out of me for daring to disagree with him on his blog.

And you know what?

That, too, is his privilege.  But she knows as much about politics generally and the 18th district specifically as she does quantum mechanics.  And so, for that matter, does Lew, particularly in the 18thDistrict.

And that was the final straw for me.

It has long since become clear that Lew appears to be becoming a useful tool designed to silence those of us who share the position that he continues to claim, words and deeds notwithstanding: that of the political conservative.

The candidates he supports so strongly, such as McDaniel or Blom, will do nothing more than rubber-stamp the 3 Stooges running the county council.  And that means the voices of local conservatives will be stilled, ignored, ridiculed… exactly like Boldt stilled, ignored and ridiculed them while he was a commissioner… exactly, as far as that goes, like Laird and Brancaccio.

As I indicated, Lew is certainly entitled to his opinions and his endorsements.  But when the first filter in your conclusion process is "does this person hate Madore?" That's when I have to beg off.

Not because it IS Madore: but because his hatred has clouded his judgment and ascribed values and integrities to those he supports which simply do not exist.

I stand by what I wrote.  I can prove what I wrote.  Lew's justifications concerning me or my positions are not based on facts; for to consider them is simply too unpleasant a task.  He talks, for example, to Rivers and Bowman about the fact that Rivers recruited Bowman to run against Pike.

They deny it.  I know better.  Because they deny it, he shoves every other possible fact or reason aside, every single shred of evidence… and says that he, personally, finds the allegation of recruiting to be “incredulous and false.”

The old version of Lew would have engaged in a great deal more critical thinking on the issue.  The new version accepts it at face value because, well, Sen. Ann Rivers, who has provably lied to get elected, certainly wouldn’t lie to HIM, right?

I know better, and at some level, so does he.  And that's the damned shame of it: his hatred for Madore is the filter that ALL of his local politics are driven through.

It’s not the ONLY filter, to be sure.  But it surely appears to be the primary one.

I do my very best to keep my personal feelings out of it, going so far as to, at one point, supporting "No choice" Royce for mayor when it became clear to me early on that Tim Leavitt was lying though his hat about his No Tolls position on the bridge.  And he was doing that for the exact, same reason that Rivers lied about her gas tax/tab fee position.

My thought then, as now, is that it’s better to support someone who’s politics you oppose who tells the truth than it is to support someone who tells you what you want to hear to get elected… only to betray you when the time comes to vote on the floor.

I guess, at this point, I could call it the “Rivers’ Test.”

And, if memory served, I tried to warn Lew back then that he was being played by Leavitt.

Much like he's being played here. 

He didn’t listen then, either.  How’d that work out for him?

Oddly, he didn't seem to be too thrilled about Leavitt's betrayal.

But Rivers' effort at betraying us on the $700 million bill she's yoked around this county's neck as the only Clark County Republican to vote FOR the gas tax and tab fee increases while being the only Clark County Republican to pledge to vote against those to get elected?

That doesn't seem to make any difference to Lew at all.

One of the two of us has changed.  I would venture to say it ain't me.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Lew Stands Still and Stirs the Hatred

We’ve more or less been ignoring Lew lately because life happens and working for a living has greater rewards than spotlighting Lew’s idiocy. But our attention was drawn to his latest nonsense, so we’re obligated to once again analyze the strange worldview of Lew.

Lew’s relevancy continues to circle the drain, and for some strange reason he felt it necessary to publicly justify his extreme paranoia and lack of honest friends on his blog. There’s a working theory that writing this sort of self-effacing nonsense is cathartic for Lew, and solidifies his self-justification for his irrational behavior. We at Lew Water’s Watch consider it a public service to hold the man to be honest to himself about why none of his “friends” are honest enough o disagree with him when he’s wrong or misinformed. Until he recognizes that people can disagree and still be on your side, he will continue to sink into irrelevancy as his list of perceived backstabbers and traitors grows until it encompasses all of Clark County.

So let’s wade into his latest nonsense. . .

Clark County has become a microcosm of the bitter political divide seen throughout America as fringe elements on both sides of the aisle duke it out for control and more power in their hands to rule over us.

Uh, not really, Lew. I suppose you would see a real conservative as a fringe element in your dotage. The actual struggle in Clark county is between elements who do want to “rule over us” as you say, and those who want smaller, more responsible government that avoids interfering with the lives of citizens as much as possible. This second group is the group we assumed Lew would be on the side of, but there’s one problem with this group that Lew can’t wrap his one-dimensional mind around: there are *gasp* Ron Paul supporters in this group!

Yep, there you have it. This and this alone is the source of all of Lew’s hatred, paranoia and delusions. It’s complicated by Lew’s unyielding inability to tolerate differing opinions in public discourse, but that’s the nub of it. 

But that isn’t what our country was founded to be. I was taught that we were to be a shining example of diverse views meeting in the middle to hammer out disagreements and agree on solutions that would best benefit all, not just one side or the other.

Quite right, Lew. Then please explain why it is that you will refuse to discourse in any forum in which you do not control access. Explain to us why it is that whenever anyone deigns to publicly disagree with you, you respond, not with facts, logic and data, but with ad hominem attacks and eventually using your administrative powers to silence and eventually remove the person disagreeing with you? The only solution you will allow in your little public echo chambers are the ones YOU disagree with. That’s hardly the spirit of the thing you espouse, is it?

Although I initially opposed it, we saw an effort at undoing such control by passing a home rule charter that stripped one such demagogue, David Madore, of the dictatorial powers he was exercising over the County once he was elected to the County Commission.

“Dictatorial powers?” Oh, that’s rich. Madore implemented mechanisms to comply with the Open and Public Meetings laws in spirit as well as in detail, putting in place an excellent system, The Grid, to allow common citizens full access to the decisions being made by our elected officials. He spearheaded efforts to purge the County of a corrupt and bloated bureaucracy, make the county more business friendly and defend property rights of the citizens. Madore encouraged public debate and made sure that all points of view were heard. Hardly dictatorial. The only reason Lew makes these absurd accusations is because he got his panties in a wad when someone on the CRC opposition campaign – a campaign that Lew supported - used a video of Lew’s without attribution. In spite of a public apology, Lew never got over this and had the hate on for Madore ever since. Seems Madore made the unforgivable gaffe of actually legislating in this county without consulting with the Clark County Conservative on every issue.

Needless to say, that has not set well with either him or his merry little band of supporters, henchmen if you will as they seek to marginalize, silence or destroy any voices speaking up in opposition to Madore’s bullying efforts.

Lew wants his own “henchmen”, I suppose. No one is seeking to marginalize anyone, Lew. It’s not marginalizing someone to point out flaws in their logic, errors in their argument or when they’re just flat out wrong or lying. Madore doesn’t bully, he just does what he sees as right for the County and the citizens. He doesn’t have a personal agenda and doesn’t use his position as a vehicle for vengeance.

This is really a funny statement coming from someone whose sole response to a disagreement is to marginalize those with different opinions, silence them and then embark on a scorched earth campaign of personal destruction if they don’t be good and stay quiet. It’s so ironic that a bully like Lew complains of being bullied.

This blog and its author became a prime target of the group of Madore miscreants two years ago when it was revealed that his minions controlling the Clark County Republican Party were scheming to stack PCO slots to solidify their control. In one fell swoop, gone was Reagan’s notion of a “big tent party” as diverse views were shouted down and only those agreeable to the party hierarchy and Madore were heard.

*Sigh* Lew sticks to his trope at all costs, because the truth is just to bitter to contemplate: Lew was full of shit then and remains full of shit. In the first place, Lew Waters Watch was started without any affiliation to David Madore. Lew’s insistence to the contrary is an outright lie, but it suits him to see conspiracies when the reality is that some private citizens just got tired of his bullshit and lies and decided to push back.

The “scheme” to “stack” PCO slots was nothing more than PCO’s calling friends in other precincts and encouraging them to run for precinct committee officer. Of course, if you are going to recruit people into politics, you’re going to try to find people who share your beliefs. The idiotic thing about Lew’s conniption fit about this is that he had it at the same time that actual shenanigans were being carried out by the State Republican establishment, where Clark County citizens were being registered as PCO candidates without their knowledge or permission from an IP address in Tukwila. This didn’t seem to bother Lew in the slightest, because they were the “right” kind of Republicans to Lew. What a crock of shit.

Unfortunately, some I once considered a friend seemed to have joined in after being called upon by Madore. I assume he is being paid well for it, but that is neither here nor there.

No one is being paid to call attention to your idiocy, old man. You’re not nearly as important as you would like to think. You’re just an annoying flea who needs to be scratched occasionally.

Lew then posts a public comment by David Madore back in January asking Kelly Hinton to try to bridge the divisiveness created by Lew and his gossamer ego. Madore correctly identifies Lew as a gifted writer, but that is wasted on Lew. Lew publicly supports and endorses the very principles that Madore puts into practice, but because Lew thinks Madore crossed him once upon a time, Christ and three other responsible witnesses can’t change Lew’s hateful opinion of Madore.

Shortly after Madore copied me this ‘nastygram,” I began noticing more and more that where Kelly and I had once not confronted each other when we disagreed, he began dogging me on facebook and here to confront me on many issues I wrote about. This was especially so when I expressed my no longer supporting Madore or that I supported Republicans he despises, such as Sen. Ann Rivers.

That was a nastygram? A nastygram would have read something like, “Hey Kelly, what can you do to shut up that asshole Lew Waters?” Madore doesn’t do nastygrams. The rest of Lew’s soliloquy here is a window into a very troubled, paranoid soul. Lew needs our prayers, folks, to deal with his demons.

For reasons unknown, I won’t dwell on the rumors I’ve heard, he chose to shelve his blog, but comments left on this blog became more like his usual rambling blog posts, complete with the vitriol and acerbic language he is known for.

We at the Watch won’t presume to speak for Kelly Hinton, but if I were to hazard a guess, I would say Kelly realized he was devoting too much of his life at tilting at windmills and getting fired up dealing with people who weren’t worthy of his point of view. Hinton is a classic debater personality, and experienced debaters know that sometimes you have to step out of the arena if you see it turning you into something you don’t want to be.

It’s laughable that Lew makes sideways comments about “rambling blog posts, complete with the vitriol and acerbic language.” Gee, have you read your own shit, Lew? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The difference between Hinton and Lew – and Lew hates this – is that Hinton’s position, whether you agree with it or not, is backed up with data, logic and facts. Disagree with Hinton, and you better have your act together, because he will BURY you in facts to support his position. Lew lacks the mental horsepower to distinguish between a well-reasoned disagreement and a personal attack.

Growing tired of his confrontational and insulting antics here, it was let known that his comments would no longer be approved, much like he has done on his own blog over the years and that apparently didn’t set well with him as he launched an insulting post within a closed group on facebook, along with congratulatory comments left by other miscreants of the Madore Klan.

Translation: “Kelly disagreed with me, he brought facts and figures to the disagreement, so I blocked his ignorant ass.” Kelly then did what any debater does when a bully like Lew silences him in a public discussion: He took it to a forum that Lew didn’t control, which, as we all know, just pisses Lew the hell off (that’s the purpose of this blog, if you will recall). Hey Lew, if telling the truth is insulting, then you are the insult.

Today, he launches away with another, presumably taking exception to my assessment of the 18th Legislative District campaigns and support of Sen. Ann Rivers.

Oh noes! Someone brought facts, data and experience to counter Lew Water’s bullshit again! The horror! 

I’ve lost count now of how many times I have read from them that I am just a “bitter old man in my waning years” and “completely irrelevant,” yet the Madore Klan seems unable to move away, exerting efforts to either marginalize or silence me.

It’s no effort to marginalize you Lew. We just have to shine the light of truth on your bitter, irrelevant, self-effacing nonsense, and let you do all the work. Perhaps, and this is just a suggestion, if you would quit acting like a bitter old man in your waning years, maintaining a hate list for everyone who ever had the temerity to cross you or disagree with you, and allow open and public dialog on your ideas when you spew them into the ether, then people wouldn’t be motivated to call you out.

Ain’t gonna work, boys.

Yeah. You’re too wedded to your false narrative, and incapable of admitting when you get something wrong.

Lew then goes on with a video of Ann Rivers complaining that people actually noticed when she reneged on her campaign promises and voted to pass the gas tax, and juxtaposed it with an out of context clip[ of Mark Engleman taking a stand against the corruption endemic to the establishment bureaucracy in the county. This is the sort of corruption that Lew also decried when he was against the CRC in concert with Engleman, but Engleman disagreed with Lew once, so now he’s apparently in league with the forces of darkness.

Do we continue with Madore’s divisive tactics as he works to solidify his power over the county from a minority position?

If the alternative is rolling over and letting a corrupt county government legislate against private property rights, strip citizens of their freedoms and raise your taxes to fund ill-conceived agendas, all in the name of unity, then yes, we’ll continue to be divisive.

Do we allow his goon squad to run roughshod over others and intimidate citizens and elected officials alike to impose Madore’s dictatorial rule over all?

If by running roughshod over other, you mean calling out lies, misinformation and propaganda with truth, facts and logic, in the interest of fair and transparent government that answers to citizens, then yes, please.

America became a great nation, not by dividing itself into factions or imposing one-sided rule over all, but by reaching out, enlisting diverse views and arriving at solutions to best benefit all.

Great. You first, you pompous old windbag. Why don’t you show some good faith to these high words and stop censoring and shutting down disagreeing opinions in your public excretions?

No, we didn’t always get everything we may want, no one ever does. But that is no reason to act like spoiled brats and throwing tantrums. Especially when the one you throw the tantrum against isn’t a candidate for office and you have repeatedly deemed them to be so “irrelevant.”

Word from a person who insists that it’s his way or the highway, who acts like a spoiled brat, throws a tantrum and blocks disagreeing points of view when they defeat him with facts and logic. The bully cries when he thinks he’s bullied.  Pathetic.

The time has come to take a stand and oust those like Madore and the ilk he attracts that works endlessly from the shadows to divide us and exercise his rule over us.


Now is the time to “filet him open like a carp, figuratively” and see him for what he really is, just another cold hearted, power hungry charlatan.

What a crick of shit. Anyone who has objectively examined Madore’s record, both personal and professional, knows that Lew has simply lost his friggin’ mind here.

We must ignore all of the seething hatred emanating from the Madore boot lickers and vote in people that are reasonable and willing to work together for the good of all, not just their small club of Brown Shirts.
We must ignore the irrational hatred of Lew and his establishment sycophants who carry their personal vendettas and childish grudges into the political arena because they are bitter and unable to work towards a common goal unless they get to define every aspect of the narrative.

Hate away, Madorons, the rest of us choose to move forward.

Yeah, that’s why you just filled a blog post with 800 words of hate and vitriol aimed at someone who wants nothing more than to work with you towards common goals.  Go crawl back under whatever rock you climbed out of, Lew, the adults aren’t buying your bullshit.

This blog was paid for by Lew Waters Watch.  It was not, never has been and never will be approved by David Madore.

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