Monday, June 27, 2016

Bernie the Betrayer.

First, it was clear from the outset that Sanders had no chance.  Less than no chance.

Second, it was clear from the outset that Bernie had no clue: less than no clue.

Third, and finally, in spite of everything he ever said about Hillary, what is he saying now?

That he’s going to vote for her.

What does that say about Sanders? 

Well, to me, it says he’s a fake.  It says he has no principles.  It says that, in effect, the tens of millions of dollars he took from people who could not afford it one the idea that he was “different” was somehow all a sham, a rip off, a fraud.

Here, locally, we have candidates who claim to be “A” but then turn out to be “B” when crunch time comes.

Bernie’s crunch time is here.  And what is he doing?  Just going along with the rest of the sheep.

When it comes to our local liars, our local political lowlifes who lie to us to get elected and then lie about WHY they lied, they’re likely to be reelected or elected in the first place.

But it won’t be with my vote.


Too many of us don’t do anything but look at the letter after the name and make a decision based on that and that alone.

We, as an electorate, need to move beyond that.  We need to understand that voting for a party that has betrayed us merely because of a letter is the RINO way, not the American way.

When you consider a candidate, don’t limit yourself to what they claim they’ve done or what they claim they will do.

Expand your sphere of influence to include what they actually HAVE done and what they’ve actually FAILED to do.

Too often, those like Rivers or Weber count on your disinterest or your cynicism to make it OK for them to lie to you.

Now, they’ve shifted gears and put up web sites that don’t specifically tell you ANYTHING they would do if you elected them, because the LAST thing they want is to be held accountable for their actions.

Next time you see Ann Rivers, for example, walk up to her and say “Ann, why did you lie to us about the gas tax and tab fee increases?”

Or Scott Weber and ask him, “Scott, why did you lie to us about getting rid of your job as an elected position?”

Or Tim “The Liar” Leavitt, and ask “Tim, why did you lie to us about your position on tolls?”

The only honest answer from them or anyone else?

“I lied to you to get elected.  That’s all that mattered.  What you want, what you don’t want…. That doesn’t matter a tinker’s damn to me.”

I warned everyone who read my blog what was going to happen with the 3 Stooges at the county if Liz Pike wasn’t elected… or if Julie Olson was elected.

If either of the two RINOs win in the council races, like the leftists want… it’ll just be more of the same.  More taxes.  More spending…More regulation.

And the sad reality is that it will be more of that anyway, because when we had our chance, we didn't do the right thing and now we’re all paying for it.  But if the RINO’s are successful, while we’d all pay for it the same, it will be to the deafening silence of conservatives in elective office (There won’t be any) and to the cheers of their democrat supporters who helped put them there.

Returning or adding these scum to office means zero accountability and a freedom on their part to do any damned thing they please.

It’s what can be called the Herrera formula: she’s the very model of “promise nothing, deliver  nothing, get re-elected.”

Yes, Bernie has betrayed his followers.  But that was inevitable, and like the sheep he trained them to be, they’ll follow his lead, never once asking themselves: “This is the guy who told us what a sell out Hillary is…. Why is he going to vote for her now?”

As for me, I will never vote for someone I know to be a liar.

Party be damned.

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