Friday, June 03, 2016

Why is it OK to beat up Trump supporters?

Leftist talking heads use "violence at Trump rallies" as a club to beat him to a pulp.

What they seem incapable of doing is moving beyond the violence... as in, "why is it OK to beat on Trump supporters?"

At some point, someone is GOING to get killed.

If I were to have been attacked in the way many Trump supporters have been attacked, I would have shot the attackers.

Swing a bag of rocks at my head?  I'm shooting you.

Jump up and down on my car?  If I'm in it... I'm shooting you.  The LA Riots weren't that long ago that I don't remember them... and Reginald Denny getting his head caved in as a result of this very same thing.

Blood has been spilled by, mostly, Trump supporters.  Neither of the two leftist scum running have condemned it, none have called for civility when these leftists and thugs attack, intimidate, damage and destroy... and it's because it's THEIR people primarily behind this garbage.

Why is this OK?

What are the police doing about it?

What are Hillary and Bernie doing about it?


What would they be saying if right wingers had been doing this at Sanders rallies?  Or Hillary events (They can hardly be called "rallies.")

What if those on the right were spilling blood, destroying property, hurling racist bigotry such as those on the left?

The outrage would be uncontainable.

At some point, there's GOING to be push back.  And the left won't like it.

At all.

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