Thursday, June 02, 2016

Super voter… who I oppose.

OK, here’s the short list of people I will be (Would be if I were in their district) voting against. That may mean voting democrat.

First, anyone affiliated with the local CCRINO group... Carolyn Crain RINO's... (Or Clark County RINOs... same thing, actually) is automatically disqualified from my ballot.


That said, here's the list:

Bill Bryant

Chris Vance

Jaime Herrera

Carolyn Crain

Ann Rivers

Sam Kim

Shane Bowman

Jerry Oliver

Brandon Vick

Lynda Wilson

Paul Harris

John Blom

Jennifer McDaniel

If you’re not on that list, it’s because you’re not a proven liar or a proven RINO.

Hard to say which is worse, but to me, they're about equal.

Some might be surprised at my choices.  Some might be pissed.  Many will likely disagree... and that's their choice.

But the idea that a candidate or office holder can lie to me about ANYTHING and then expect me to vote for them is simply unacceptable.

The idea that a candidate can be a RINO, or part of or supported by RINOs, is simply unacceptable.

These are so few ways to express one’s dismay at the betrayal of candidates these days.

Voting against them in the primary is a good start… and voting against them in the general is a good finish.

Some here, reading this, may come back at me and ask, well, “what about Trump?”

What about him?

Here, locally, we have Ann Rivers, who lied to get elected by pledging to oppose raising either the gas tax or tab fees, and then lied about why she did it.  THEN, she goes out and recruits Shane Bowman to run against Liz Pike, and his ONLY issue is to provide cover for Rivers betraying us on the gas tax by claiming that Pike should have ignored her district and voted for the gas tax/tab fee scam as well.

There’s no excuse for that.  No explanation that passes the straight face test.  But the conservative-hating RINOs are lining up behind them and Rivers will likely be re-elected because so few of this district know that she lied to us… even admiting to costing the people of this county $700 million in increased taxes… and gets the “early endorsement “ of RINO outfits like the BIA.

I, for one, object.  We look around and we’re so angry at Congress and government… and then we insist on sending people like these either back or we elect them in the first place and then we get pissed off when they screw us.

I'm told that the GOP MUST have control of the legislature, to which I ask, "Why?"

Far too often, the GOP controlled state senate and GOP controlled Congress has voted like Nancy Pelosi has her hand up their backs.  So, what difference does it make?

The GOP-controlled state senate voted in the state level Dream Act.  Legal aliens and American citizens now compete with illegal aliens for state funds to go to college.  Think many of them are running on that?  They allowed men to shower with women in public facilities and boys to use girl's bathrooms if they "feel" feminine today.  Bet you don't see any of the GOP types with THAT on their re-elect campaign websites.

Is Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers running on her betrayal of this district and her lies to get elected? 


Why isn't she?

She and the rest of the GOP-controlled state senate HAMMERED us with one of the highest gas taxes in the country and allowed local municipalities to nail us with additional tab fees... without requiring a vote or asking us.

They lack the guts to tell the state supreme court to jump into Capitol Lake on the McCleary decision and they're going to be bending us over on that as well, thanks in part to Rivers.

But then, if you look at her campaign web site, she doesn't pledge to do a damned thing.  She, effectively, promises nothing because she hates being held accountable for her pledges as I am holding her accountable for her lies to get elected concerning the gas tax and tab fees.

Her web site is, in fact, the textbook example of non-specific, glittering generalities that is full of political verbiage and absolutely worthless when it comes to substance.

Think in terms of Jaime Herrera on an off day.

Many of these same liars will be re-elected.  Some of them might be initially elected.  Some, like Crain, will get destroyed… again.

But regardless, it won’t be with my money or my vote.

Trump has made promises.  So have the others.  Of the choices available, Trump's promises most closely align with mine.  The alternative of Clinton is simply unthinkable.

Has Trump lied?  Maybe.  Has he lied about what he’s going to do?  Don’t know.  And neither does anyone else.  Only time, in that regard, will tell.  But my list, which includes others but have been left out in this election because they're not up, is a list of those who I perceive have a great deal of distance between what the voters want... and what they want.

Just ask Ann Rivers.

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