Friday, May 13, 2016

Time to set up a state clearing house for federal tax dollars.

Because of the cowards running the state senate, we're stuck with the moronic concept that guys can invade women's locker rooms, showers and bathrooms under the phony "I identify as woman" today insanity the fringe left nutjobs infesting us demand.

We see what's happening.  That simple idiot in the White House is trying to re-engineer all of society into his fringe-left utopian view.

Of course, the reality is clear: it will take decades to repair the damage this scumbag and his winged monkeys have caused, but then, we know that.

We also know that the fed is over-extending it's authority by attempting to force states to heel to Obama snapping his fingers.  Two states, so far, have told that moron to fuck off, North Carolina and Texas.

The result?

Threats to cut off federal funds to the states in question.

The cure for that disease?

Have each state set up and organize a clearing house for all funds from the various states heading to the federal government.

That way, any time the fed makes these idiotic threats, the states can simply withhold, dollar for dollar, every cent the fed withholds as a result of failing to go along with the Emperor's edicts.

Simple, really.

You want to withhold money to the states?

You'd be well served to remember where much of it comes from top begin with.

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