Monday, May 02, 2016

The rag blows it again: "Vote-by-mail" good for you.

Look; I get that the arrogant assholes running the Lazy C find themselves admitting they were wrong at a cellular level.

After all, their rabid, inexplicable, inexcusable support of so many attacks on our community, ranging from their gulag-like lock down on the Columbia Gorge to the Pollard Hilton that now, precisely as I predicted it would, continues to suck up taxpayer dollars; to the biggest waste of money... $200 million... in the history of the Northwestern United States... to the stupidity of opposing I-200 (The initiative that ended government-sponsored affirmative action in this state) the end of the world jihad against any Eyman effort and who can POSSIBLY forget their stupidity on the pot initiative, where proponents lied their asses off to get their initiative legalizing pot to pass... to the massive tax increase of the Port Levy, overturned by the voters a few years back; to the stupidity of the ballpark ripoff to supporting scum like Marc Boldt's re-election to supporting the idiocy of the city of Vancouver suing it's citizens to stop them from having any say on taxpayer funded downtown mafia redevelopment to ignoring citizen input on everything from the BRT ripoff to a wide variety of issues where the people have spoken have all proven them wrong.

Likewise, their moronic and inexplicable support of yet another of the many Sam Reed, save-my-office-work projects more popularly known as "vote-by-mail," or voteBM.

It was SUPPOSED to solve every voting problem known to man.  It was supposed to dramatically increase voter turn out.

It did no such thing, of course, but has the rag admitted they were wrong?

Our voter turn out in this state is abysmal generally and Clark County particularly.  And those who're mostly responsible, IMHO, for that turn of events never, ever, take any blame for it.

This fails to correspond with the bizarre idea of the rag that we're all better off for it when there's precious little to show such to be the case.

Voter fraud is at an all time high, thanks in part to ANOTHER Washington State idiocy known as "motor voter," where thousands of non-citizens and illegal aliens are registered to vote as a part of the paperwork to get a license to drive in this state.

Again, that idiocy, wherein anyone from anywhere can come in and register to vote as they get a license, do so without any requirement to prove a thing.

In this state, there's zero requirement to prove citizenship, address or even identity to vote.

And this is part and parcel as to why so few make the choice TO vote, relatively speaking.

The "privilege" has been bastardized to the nth degree, making the franchise so worthless as to be beyond belief.

Our government doesn't care WHO votes... and that makes OUR votes worthless as a result.

Among other fallacies, the rag whines about inaccurate voter roll purges as if voteBM somehow kept that from happening.

That's as moronic as claiming that because the rag publishes a newspaper, they should be the paper that gets all the legal notices for what, 3 times as much cost to us taxpayers?

One has little enough to do with the other.

The moron who wrote the rag's pap blows off the concern of voter fraud, which is obvious to anyone who can walk upright.

Claims that such fraud is rare are asinine, and those who make such claims do so ONLY in response to the fact that CATCHING those committing fraud is almost impossible given how lose the rules to register and vote actually are.

How does one prove fraud against someone who did not have to prove anything about themselves to register in the first place?

It practically takes a confession from the voter committing the fraud in question.

Meanwhile, Washington State remains one of the leaders in, for example, licensing illegal aliens... and we don't even know for certainty that they ARE illegal aliens because they don't have to PROVE it.

And the rag, being the rag, fails to mention the utterly abysmal turnout wrought from our state-of-the-art voteBM system... which we were assured this insanity would address.

"Live up to our ideals" indeed.


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