Monday, May 09, 2016

The democratian continues to ignore the people of Clark County on the I-5 Bridge scam.

More whining and sniveling... not to mention lies and exaggeration... from the local Pravda on their pet issue to bitch about (Outside any conservative in elective office) the I-5 Bridge.

Here's the reality: the I-5 Bridge does not need to be replaced for decades to come.

I get that.  They know that, but certainly refuse to admit it.

The number one way to save money and reduce pressure, both on the bridge and the I-5 corridor itself, is to build a bridge to the west of the I-5, most likely from the Ridgefield to Hillsboro route.

These clowns refuse to acknowledge this fact, hiding behind the "Oregon won't go along with it" lie.

So for them, they would have us all accept what they WANT, over what this region NEEDS.  To these morons, a bad deal is better than no deal at all.

Just look at this phrasing:
"The cold reality is that efforts to replace the Interstate 5 Bridge amount to a dysfunctional relationship — a situation that should be unacceptable to taxpayers."
As if these people give a damn about taxpayers when it comes to their agenda.

What's "unacceptable" is being abused and lied to by government and the supposed media watch dog who claims their big role is to keep us informed to keep government transparency to the fore.

And even when the rag claimed to find out, finally, what we all knew?  It made zero difference.

What's "unacceptable" is wasting billions to replace a bridge that doesn't NEED to be replaced so they can get their precious, expensive, unneeded, unwanted and unfordable light rail into Clark County, which, as the Oregon State Supreme Court has ruled and these same people have never mentioned, is the only reason the I-5 Bridge issue ever saw the light of day.

What's "unacceptable" are $8 (to begin with) tolls that will only increase... as much as $2000 per year for commuters.

What's "unacceptable" is this:

The CRC’s oft-cited analysis shows that southbound commuters would save just one minute between state Highway 500 and Portland’s Columbia Boulevard in the morning rush hour. That’s because of other Portland bottlenecks farther south — at Interstate 405, and at the Rose Quarter, where I-5 squeezes traffic into two lanes.

Seriously.  They wanted billions spent for a one minute reduction in the commute time?

Where is the mention of THAT tiny factoid in the rag's editorial lies?
(Gridlock)... is not a surprise to anybody who regularly traverses the I-5 corridor or to anybody who watched the demise of the Columbia River Crossing proposal, which was a decade in the making. Not only is the daily commute increasingly frustrating, but even the typical Saturday morning drive into Portland is met with delays and frequent brake-pumping.

What's even LESS of a surprise to those of us paying any attention is that a COMPLETED CRC project would result, according to the CRC itself, in a less than 60 second reduction in the southbound commute.

"Compromise" is what the moron who wrote this editorial demands: but, as always, "compromise" means "doing it the way the light rail scum want it."
• Compromise is needed on the issue of light rail. A new bridge should have the capability to carry Portland’s MAX system into Clark County but should be earmarked for the future. When the population of Clark County reaches a designated density, light rail can be extended.
Even after all these years, the slime at the democratian do not seem to get that we, the people, of Clark County do not WANT loot rail.

Since WE don't WANT it... no compromise is necessary.

Further, building this unneeded and unwanted bridge for billions that will blow a hundred million dollar hole in our local economy in tolls sucked out of our disposable income as "light rail capable" will only result in years of unceasing pressure to open loot rail into Clark County... and with it, the waste of additional billions on expanding it because, BYy God, the billions Oregon has wasted on loot rail has CERTAINLY turned Portland in a utopia where traffic jams (directly next to loot rail, by the way... like Highway 26) are UNHEARD OF.

With all the money Portland has wasted on loot rail, it's traffic is among the very worst.  Not just locally... but in the entire world.

Building this bridge so it can carry the cancer of light rail is much like the tarantula inviting the tarantula wasp to sting it and lay its egg onto the tarantula's abdomen.

Oddly, that never ends well for the spider, since the hatching egg larve then proceeds to eat the tarantula alive.

And then, this rank stupidity:
• Plans for additional bridges across the Columbia River should be formulated once an I-5 replacement is underway. It is disingenuous, irresponsible, and unreasonable to focus upon a third crossing when the I-5 Bridge is in dire need of replacement.
Some help is needed here:

• Plans for replacing the I-5 Bridge should be formulated once a 3rd and 4th bridge ARE BUILT. It is disingenuous, irresponsible, and unreasonable to focus upon the I-5 Bridge when a 3rd and 4th bridge are obviously needed first.

There.  Much better.

One of the many problems the scum at the Lazy C have is their history of lying to us about this issue. Their history of attacking opponents.  Their history of beating up and insulting those who stood for the people of this community against their self-centered, downtown mafia corruption.

Most recently, they've whined and sniveled about Rep. Liz Pike's involvement ion the process, claiming that as a strident supporter of the will of the people, by virtue of being an opponent to this crime, she should have no role in this discussion.


The rag lies like they breathe.  The reality is that it is THEY who should keep out of the discussion, because for me: anything these scum urge us to do about the I-5 Bridge?

I will take the contrarian position EVERY time.

And be better served by it.

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