Monday, May 09, 2016

Filing week is here... where's the democrats running against RINOs?

So, filing week is coming up. Seems to be a dearth of democrats challenging around these parts. No shortage of RINO's challenging conservatives, but who of the democrat persuasion announced against, say, Rivers... or Vick or Madore or Pike?

Well, in the first instance, no need to challenge a democrat masquerading as a Republican, even when she lied to get elected and then lied about her PDC's by a paltry $150,000 or so... for a year.

(Note: Rivers PDC shows $255,086.17 on February 7. )

(Note:  on February 25th or so, the PDC acted to reduce her posted funds by $175,000 after I filed my complaint.  Rivers knew the number was false and did nothing to correct it for a year.)

After all, both every democrat legislator in Clark County AND Rivers voted to stick it to us at the gas pump... but she was the only one to run on a pledge to "listen to the will of the voters" and "live within our means."

Vick? Who knows?  He voted against Rivers' gas tax scam as well, but for whatever the reason has escaped her wrath or Rivers couldn't dig anyone up to run against him.

Madore? Why, with all that leftist hate out there, you'd think they'd be lining up to take HIM on. But where are they?

But that's right: I forgot... there is a fake Republican running against him, one of those out there who stupidly thinks a 4 to 1 or 5 to 0 vote against conservatives is somehow better than the 3 to 2 votes the 3 Stooges dump on us as it is.

Same with Pike. You'd think that all that hatred aimed at her would gin up a dozen democrats just chompin' at the bit to take her on... instead, we get Shane Bowman, recruited by Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers and her Winged Monkeys who set about to destroy her reputation (Jimmy Mains thinks he's good at that sort of thing) about Pike being "ineffective" in Oly... who actually believes that jacking our gas tax like Rivers did and tab fees without a vote like he did in Battle Ground is what the 18th District wants!

That's a damned shame. I was looking forward to the left putting some people up there to give it a go.

Hopefully, better than the two morons the dems had running in the 18th last time.

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