Wednesday, May 11, 2016

RINO Rules of politics: we only support other RINOs, but we demand your support of us.

As those in politics cement my list of those I will not only refuse to vote for but also those who will result in my guaranteed opposition, I am struck by the rank hypocrisy of their position on Trump.

As they set about to do all they can to continue leftist rule of our country, being Republicans In Name Only, I'm struck by the hypocrisy of their position on Trump, and their desperate need to live out their double standard.

Simply stated, they refuse to vote for the non-RINO, non-establishment candidate (Interchangeable terms if ever I've seen one) while simultaneously demanding that WE vote for THEM.

How is that supposed to work?

The GOP at all levels is divided to the point of shattering.  And who is responsible for that?

At the local level, the RINO Contingent has had a great deal to do with it... but they are not blameless.

No one can say they are entirely to blame, to be sure, but instead of going about it the old fashioned way... battling it out in the court of public opinion and in the PCO elections, where they lost it to begin with... they have aligned themselves with the democrats to get rid of conservatives by running against GOP incumbents.

Shane Bowman, who was recruited by Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers to run against incumbent conservative Rep. Liz Pike is a case in point.  As are/were Blom, McDaniel and Boldt.


For the same reason that RINO loser Chris Vance ended his campaign, effectively, by trying to shift so far to the left that a breeze would tip him over.

And that, per force, is the point of this post.

I pledged long ago to never vote for someone or against someone merely because of the label after their name.

I am long since past giving a damn, because I'm one of those who pay attention to the ends achieved and frankly, the ends achieved by the GOP around here, at the local and state level and at the federal level, well, suck.

That appears to me to be based on the concept of saying anything to get elected, and then doing the exact opposite once they get the title.

With Rivers, it was the gas tax.

With Scott Weber (County Clerk) it was his lie, made as a part of his campaign, that he would do everything he could to stop making the position of county clerk a partisan elective job.

With the scum attacking conservatives everywhere here locally, it's political opportunism (Blum wants to go places at our expense, walking on the bodies every step of the way.  Think in terms of Jon Russell, just a little less of an ass-kisser and a little more polished) and sheer, unadulterated, political hatred.

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