Friday, April 01, 2016

Warning Memo for the RNC: you screw around with the outcome of the primaries and you're done.

We're hearing it:word that the RNC is going to screw around with the results of the primaries to keep Trump from being the nominee.

Here's the thing: WHOEVER gets the most primary votes had BETTER be the nominee.

With scum like the cardboard cutout of a worthless congresswoman in this district, slammed into place completely by an utterly worthless Establishment, who's only reason to live is to keep that seat... actually "representing" us be damned... it's not terribly surprising that they'd sink to this level.

Here's the thing:  They can win with us.

But they will lose without us.

What we do out here MUST matter.

If it doesn't, then there's damned little point to having a party.

With recent polling still pointing to Trump as the winner here,  if he rolls into the convention with the most delegates, then the RNC had BETTER support him.

But I would be saying the same thing about ANYONE leading the pack... not just Trump.

Yet, we all know what's going to happen here.

And this will end the GOP as we know it. 

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