Sunday, April 03, 2016

Having worked so hard to create this monster, the democratian now wants it to play nice.

Once the democratian and their acolytes figured out how to game the system through an "acceptable" charter effort, unlike the one they crapped on two years earlier, they prevailed with the massive fraud of a lie called the county charter, designed in it's entirety to overturn the 2012 election that cost Marc Boldt his job as a commissioner.

The result has been everything I knew it would be.  Domination by leftists Boldt and his winged monkeys, Stewart and Olson/Green; the Three Stooges in their revenge cycle aimed at rolling back every conservative initiative implemented or supported by David Madore.

The Stooges have done absolutely everything anyone paying attention anticipated.  Now, joining with the CCRINO's, they've nazified our electoral system and are seeking out and hunting down every conservative in office, as illustrated by "Gas Tax" Rivers recruiting Shane "Gas Tax" Bowman to take out anti-gas taxer Rep. Liz Pike while recruiting other faux Republicans to run against incumbent conservatives in county government.

What's happened, of course, was the tax increases and regulatory increases that were absolutely foreseeable: a series of 3-2 votes where the leftists on the council slam-dunked the conservatives and trashed everything they accomplished or attempted to accomplish during Boldt's welcome absence from government.

And now, those most responsible for this divide... the democratian itself... has figured out there's a brewing backlash against both the council, the rag, and the CCRINO candidates themselves.

ALL elected officials who have constituents have a duty to respond to those they would govern. They also have a duty to subordinate their own judgment/agenda to those who elected them.

The CCRINO candidates have already shown they have no interest in that responsibility.  Thus, they are running for election ENTIRELY to implement the Steve "Screw You" Stuart school of government thought:

Those moronic enough to support this variety of governmental dictatorship are, of course, entitled.  I choose to take a different view.

But the poison of the Three Stooges has become so rank that the stink of it has impacted those most responsible for it.

Naturally, the rag wants those not in the Three Stooges to join with them, instead of the other way around.  After all, who cares what the people Madore represents wants?  If the Stooges want it, according to the scum at the Columbian, Madore's job is to simply shut up and go along with it:

With that, it is now time for the council to move forward. As The Columbian wrote editorially in January: “Eventually, ideally, not all votes in the Clark County Council will result in a 3-2 count. Eventually, some give-and-take, some dialogue, some compromise will emerge among coalitions that vary from issue to issue.”
No, actually, the "time for that" was back when these leftist scum took office.  But since their agenda is written by the rag and the downtown mafia, there will be no compromise, no "give-and-take."


Because these lowlifes don't HAVE to "compromise."  Why should they?

And "THEY," of course, aren't the ones the scumbag who wrote this garbage expect to compromise.
That should be what all residents seek from their county government, although it is unquestionable that some hard feelings will remain. It would be a misnomer to suggest that those hard feelings are not manifested primarily by Madore, who has demonstrated a sophomoric inability to deal with those who have the temerity to disagree with him.
And there you have it.

Shut up, Madore; do what you're told, go along with the program, ignore shit like this tripe, bend over and take another from the despicable slime running our county government.

You see, they indict Madore for HIS "...sophomoric inability to deal with those who have the temerity to disagree with him."

Well, what about the nazi-mindset of the scumbag running the rag and HIS "...sophomoric inability to deal with those who have the temerity to disagree with him

And while the leftist scum reading the rag's tripe are nodding their heads in agreement with the moron who wrote that garbage, the requirement that only Madore has "manifested hard feelings" as the leftists on the council engage in THEIR lockstep vote for anti-conservative outcomes are NEVER subject to ANY criticism.

There's more, of course.  But as for me, I sincerely hope that both Madore and Mielke vote "no" on every issue that comes before them.  Anything else is merely giving these shitbirds what they want.

And in the end, it doesn't matter whether a vote is 3-2 or 5-0 against the conservative perspective.  The outcome is yet another loss for us and yet another failure to act by the Three Stooges.

Don't like Madore's bridge idea?

Then come up with something else and something better.  Which none of these scum have yet to do... instead, sitting on their collective asses, doing nothing.

Meanwhile, the lies about Madore from the rag will continue while the Three Stooges are given a pass.  But since the Stooges are carrying Brancaccio's water like they're Gunga Din, that's not surprising.

We have the government we deserve.  The CCRINO scum our hustled and out-thought the rest of the people to ram this crap pile of a charter and the three scumbags running the county down our throats. And I, for one, cannot wait to move out of Clark County as a result.

Sorry Jennifer... can't make it until you respond to the following question that I sent you two weeks ago:
Since the new council of five has been seated, how would you have voted any differently from Boldt, Stewart and Olson?
I'm willing to be schooled: where would you have voted against Boldt on the council?
...See More
Rebecca Lineham Hey Kj, why don't you just show up so I can finally meet you? You're so charming and intelligent.
Kj Hinton Sorry... I don't do requests.
Rebecca Lineham Neither does the party hostess -- which is why nobody answered your ridiculously rude question.
Kj Hinton Sorry, Beckster, but as I am a prospective constituent, what you consider to be a "ridiculously rude question," sent 2 weeks ago to her campaign email address and unanswered, comes with the territory.

As an elected official, she has a duty to respond to what would be the most telling question she's faced to date. So, yeah, in fact, she DOES have a duty to respond. Her failure to do so is noted and indicative of the lack of respect she would have for constituents in the unfortunate event she were elected.

That you don't think so is as meaningless as your rejoinder. That she didn't bother to acknowledge it or me goes to the kind of sickening arrogance far too many elected officials display in this day and age of doing and saying the minimum to GET elected... and then forgetting all about the campaign promises made to achieve that end.

Ann Rivers comes to mind.

Her failure to respond means only one thing: there is no difference. She would have voted with the Three Stooges in every instance. And, of course, I figured as much... which means she should not be elected. The last thing we need is more fake GOP sock puppets.

Thanks for YOUR response. It was a HOOT!
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