Thursday, April 14, 2016

John Blom in his own words:

Yesterday, I smacked Blom around on his campaign Facebook page, and here's his response.
Perhaps you can help me here.  
A few weeks back, I emailed you via your campaign web site to ask you the only question that really matters: "Since the current configuration of the county council has been implemented, how would you have voted differently than the leftist majority?  
You see, if you can't or won't answer that question, then the question becomes "why should you be elected to anything?"  
As it is, we have the democrat majority on the wrong end of 3 - 2 votes. What difference will it make to us if we're on the wrong end of 4 - 1 votes?"  
You've already started out with two strikes against you; the first, running against a Republican incumbent and the second, ignoring my email question to you... since, after all, as a prospective constituent, does this set the pattern for future communications where you just ignore those of us you would govern?  
So, let's see what you're made off, because frankly, "collaborative leadership," in this case, merely means going along with the rest of the RINO herd and that's hardly a reason to vote for you.  
So, convince me: why should we choose you over the incumbent? Exactly how would you have voted differently than the RINO crew running the county now? 
John Blom for Clark County 
John Blom for Clark County Hey KJ – my apologies for not getting back to you sooner. As you know from your own experience working on campaigns, the opening few weeks are incredibly busy! 
I’m not running against Councilors Stewart or Olson, or Chair Boldt, but I’m happy to tell you how I would have voted differently over the past four years than my opponent. 
First, I wouldn’t support a policy that gives away millions of dollars, which now need to be covered by tax payers, to subsidize businesses that are neither bringing family wage jobs growing the county’s sales tax base. Here are a couple examples of the cost of the fee waiver program on the tax payer: 
·4 coffee stands (2 Dutch Bros. and 2 Black Rock) received a total of $450,000 of waived fees. That’s money that would normally be spent on improving our roads are providing the staff support needed to process permits and conduct inspections. Based on the information the applicants provided, these coffee stands will generate $26,000 of sales tax revenue for the county each year. Which means it will take over 17 years for the “growth” to make up for the lost revenue that will now have to be covered by every tax paying citizen in Clark County. Don’t get me wrong, I love coffee. I often stop by the new Dutch Bros on 192nd, which was also built in the last year. However, since it was built within the city of Vancouver, they didn’t get (or need) the fee waiver.  
·Unfortunately, these were not the worst return on investment the county got on the fee waiver. Jackson Food Stores received $470,000 of waived fees, in return for 4 new jobs and less than $2,500 in new projected sales tax. By the year 2200, county tax payers will finally break even on that one.  
Now, there are a few good examples of fee waivers and I support creating a business friendly environment. But the fee waiver as it currently exists is nothing more than corporate welfare that is costing the tax payers millions. 
Second, I will support an open and fair hiring process throughout my term, not just when my poll numbers show it to be politically expedient. No amount of revisionist history can change the facts or the record in this regard. 
Third, and this is not a vote but rather I way I will conduct myself, I will build coalitions with other elected leaders to advocate for the people of District 3. With Councilor Mielke retiring, my opponent has virtually no support or allies with elected officials at any level. As the incumbent, he should have the inside track for those endorsements. Yet, I’m the one who has the support of former and current county councilors, state representatives, city councilors from several of Clark County’s cities, and multiple former Clark County GOP Party Chairs. 
If you want someone who can move an agenda forward to the benefit of the people in District 3, vote for me. If you want four more years of harassment complaints, a lack of respect for anyone with a dissenting view, and irresponsible policies that put the bright future of our county in jeopardy, then by all means vote to keep the incumbent in place. 
Kj Hinton
Kj Hinton Having been in politics for some 25 years now, I can appreciate your position... and your verbiage... and your effort to dodge my question. 
I asked you simply this: how would you have voted differently than Boldt, Stewart or Olson? 
You are refusing to answer my question, instead, attempting to deflect from it.
Here's the thing: you cannot BS me. You cannot handle me. You cannot game me.
I forget more about politics before 8 a.m. then you will ever know. 
So, here's the thing: if you're not going to answer my question, then just say so.
Plain speaking will help you much more than a bogus, utterly nonsensical campaign speech that does nothing to answer the question I asked you. 
As for your "support," I can tell by the few people who bothered to show up at your kick off how much support you have. 
I asked you a simple and straight-forward question. 
Instead of answering it, you launch into a campaign speech that avails you nothing, answers nothing I asked and that's breath-taking in lies and exaggerations, and which reeks in your hatred of conservatives... but then, the moment I saw a far leftist liar like Mains there, I should have known. 
You complain about a few hundred thousand in waived fees while ignoring the fact that while Madore has been on the council, economic growth has exploded in this county.
You complain about that... but remain silent in the face of $20 million in budget increases done by the cabal you so seem to admire. 
You're in lock step with the leftists on the council. And the only way your response can be taken is simple: had you been on the council, all of those 3 - 2 votes, including those trashing our votes at the polls... would have been 4 - 1. 
And if you survive to the general and David does not, not only will I vote for the democrat, I'll max out to them. 
And as a former Executive Director for the State Republican Party, that's going to be a difficult stretch for me to make. 
But I'm going to make it. 
And let me add this: you were no where to be seen years ago when we were fighting the CRC Scam and David was paying for large amounts of that battle out of pocket. 
For his efforts in doing so much to kill that insanity alone, he still deserves re-election. 
You talk about what you WOULD do, which is to be the left's sock puppet.I talk about what he HAS done. 
And that matters a great deal more than what you've said here.
Like · Reply · 15 hours ago · Edited
For this clown to even use phrases like "corporate welfare..." who is that coming from if it isn't a leftist like Mains?

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