Wednesday, April 13, 2016

John Blom, a CCRINO

You could kind of tell by his pathetic campaign turn out... specifically, those who actually showed up.

The scum known as Jim Mains was there; Brent "Chief RINO" Boger.  Greg "I should be kicked out of the GOP" Kimsey, infamous for his despicable charter lies.  Julie "RINO" Olson.

The scumbag leftist known as Jim Mains.

The majority there were family members, followed by hard corps Madore haters like Boger, followed by a few people I've never seen or heard of.

All total, including the infants, looked like around 15... what RINO Boger delusionally calls a "good turnout."

In fact, it's the worst turn out I've ever seen for a candidate, but eh, what do I know?

You can tell by looking at who showed up that the jackbooted thug RINO types are where this guy fits... the anti-conservative haters who use the fake code words of "collaborative leadership" which merely means going along with the leftist sheep.

He's young, ambitious and stupid.  This campaign, done this way, with these people, shows a level of gullibility not frequently found in the political realm.

I sent him this email via his facebook page to nail this down:

Perhaps you can help me here. 
A few weeks back, I emailed you via your campaign web site to ask you the only question that really matters: 
"Since the current configuration of the county council has been implemented, how would you have voted differently than the leftist majority? You see, if you can't or won't answer that question, then the question becomes "why should you be elected to anything?" 
As it is, we have the democrat majority are on the wrong end of 3 - 2 votes. What difference will it make to us if we're on the wrong end of 4 - 1 votes?" 
You've already started out with two strikes against you; the first, running against a Republican incumbent and the second, ignoring my email question to you... since, after all, as a prospective constituent, does this set the pattern for future communications where you just ignore those of us you would govern? 
So, let's see what you're made off, because frankly, "collaborative leadership," in this case, merely means going along with the rest of the RINO herd and that's hardly a reason to vote for you. 
So, convince me: why should we choose you over the incumbent? Exactly how would you have voted differently than the RINO crew running the county now?
He likely won't answer seriously; it was a serious question, seriously asked, but RINO arrogance and RINO superiority likely means he won't bother... and with Mains' hand up his ass, running his show, you know he won't want to.

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