Saturday, March 26, 2016

Is the Cruz sex-scandal fatal?

So, reports have it that Ted has something of a problem keeping it zipped up.

If true, will it be fatal?  Or will we see a "tit-for-tat" from Trump's ex's?

The timing is obvious.  The question is one of both source (Where did it come from?) and veracity.  (How true is it?)

The source for most of this is the National Enquirer.

They've got a relatively recent history of goring the high and mighty on this issues: Most famously, perhaps, skewering the political career of then-rising star John Edwards, for example.

The nature of their rag has certainly caused massive doubt.  But the question here is this: what if they're right?

Local politicians have a problem keeping their clothes on, to be sure.  I have little doubt that rampant adultery is the de jour hobby of the powerful in the seats of all governments, from the local to the national level, with intermediate stops at the county and state level.

(Look up "Aaron Reardon," for a particularly brutal case of a guy thinking with the wrong head... and fragging his otherwise bright political future.)

In some instances, this type of information, if publicized, would certainly damage the future prospects of local pols engaging in this sort of thing.  "TrusTed" will likely suffer at least some level of damage as a result of all of this as well, since his shtick is primarily evangelicals, who, I believe, take a rather dim view of that sort of thing.

Locals have indicated disbelief.  That's to be expected as they find their confidence in their guy to be, well, shattered.

Here, of course, is where I point out that when it comes to sex and the powerful, it makes no difference between the hated Establishment and the political mavericks.

Lousiana GOP US Senator David Vitter had this kind of problem and survived it to win reelection, though he subsequently lost an election bid to replace the term-limited Governor Bobby Jindal..  Somehow.  He was one of those Jim Bakker hypocrite-types, family value variety, who happened to kind of get caught with his equipment hanging out.

Meanwhile, this thing is percolating and other sources have come forward to at least partially confirm the allegations:

BREAKING: Washington Times Reporter Drops Bomb On Ted Cruz Mistress Allegations (PHOTOS)
Last Updated on March 25, 2016 
The April 4 edition of The National Enquirer makes damaging claims about Ted Cruz in a bold, above-the-fold headline. But don’t be so quick to write it off as another silly claim by a silly tabloid. A political columnist for The Washington Times just backed up the story that Cruz had multiple extramarital affairs.
cruz drew johnson
The first actual measure of impact is going to be April 5 in Wisconsin:  Fortunately for Scott Walker, Wisconsin Governor and earliest casualty of the GOP Primaries,  out of sheer, dumb, luck, he hadn't endorsed Cruz as yet.

Between now and then, however, polling is likely to make the impacts known and then the question will become which way will most of the votes go: Kasich, who has a better chance of winning the lottery than becoming the nominee... or Trump, who's path to the nomination likely cleared a great deal today with the discussion of these allegations against Cruz.

Because of the stage, there's a possibility that Cruz may not only not get the nomination, but likely have to resign his Senate seat.

Time will tell.  But I believe time is likely up for TrusTed. And if he fails to file suit against the National Enquirer, then he WILL be in trouble as this sort of thing takes on an Anthony Weiner-life-of-its-own.

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