Friday, March 25, 2016

If it's not Trump, I'm voting democrat. Further, I'll vote democrat over any CCRINO.

As I watch the machinations of the GOP Establishment types at both the local and national levels, I've decided I will not vote for a CCRINO or any GOP'er not named Trump.

Look, clearly, the CCRINOs are being manipulated by democrats (Jim Mains, Hector Hoshino, Temple Lentz, die hard, fringe leftists all) into supporting the candidates the left wants in office, most recently the Young Democrat-endorsed Marc Boldt, a clueless moron who actually cries during meetings (Shades of John Boehner) and now, they've been actively assisting the CCRINOs in recruiting and running fake Republicans against conservative incumbents.

Well, for me, there's no need to vote for a fake democrat when we can get the real thing.  And I am not remotely interested in rewarding the CCRINO scum for their hissy fit bercause the base kicked their collective asses out.

And the idea that the cowards running the national GOP are working ten times harder to keep Trump from getting the nomination than they ever did to stop Obama from wrecking this country and a large part of this planet is certainly not confidence-inspiring.

To that end, I will vote for whichever democrat is on the ballot if these clowns screw the people out of a Trump candidacy through their back-room maneuvering.

You see, I will never vote for the "settle-for" candidate again.

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