Saturday, January 31, 2015

Brandon Vick gets his THIRD committee assignment... having claimed SIX during the campaign

We all remember Brandon Vick's campaign lies, dutifully echoed by the democratian in their nonsensical endorsement of this legislative dwarf:
During his first two years in the Legislature, Vick demonstrated the capacity for hard work. He served on six committees — including appropriations, finance and government accountability — and boasts that he never missed a vote. On the other hand, it did take Vick awhile to find his footing. He was the primary sponsor for no bills during the 2013 Legislative session, telling The Columbian at the time, "You can write a bill for whatever you want; whether you should write a bill is the question." He added at the time that he was working on some legislation, but that it wasn't ready for "prime time."
Those were lies, of course.  Vick never "served" on "six committees."   that was purely for eyewash and a calculated effort to get people to, wrongly, believe that he'd actually done something in Olympia... after taking his first year in office off, much like an absentee land owner.

The fact is that he accomplished the impossible: he did as little in Olympia as Ridgefield Barbie.  And I simply didn't believe that to be possible.

He also accomplished the difficult feat of lying more than she did.

The democratian was lying for Vick; that's what they do according to a "reporter" there by the name of Dake.

And those lies, admitted to by Dake, go to the heart of the matter as to why the Columbian's endorsements are so utterly worthless.

That also just goes to show how utterly worthless and abysmal Vick's opponent in the general, Mussolini Mikey Briggs actually was. (I'd call him pathetic, but frankly, that does a disservice to the word.)

I pointed out at the time that Vick's claim was a lie and that as soon as session started, he'd have to go back to 3 committees that everyone else had... if he could find 3 committees to take him.

So, I wasn't terribly surprised to discover that not only couldn't Vick find THREE committees... he could only find TWO.

The democratian, being the lying scum they are, haven't said anything about that, of course.  After all, you rarely find "truth" and Brancaccio in the same room.

If at all.

So, I wasn't all that surprised when this press release was blasted out a few days ago:
Jan. 29, 2015
CONTACT: Kylee Zabel, Public Information Officer - (360) 786-7031
Rep. Vick assigned to Finance committee as House adds an extra seat 
Rep. Brandon Vick, R-FelidaRep. Brandon Vick, R-Felida, was assigned to fill a position on the House Finance Committeeduring the third week of the 2015 legislative session after Washington House Republicans were provided an additional seat.
Vick served on the committee last session. The committee considers issues relating to state and local revenues, such as tax increases or decreases, tax preferences, and tax administration. 
"I'm thrilled to be back serving on the Finance Committee this session, and bring my expertise to the table," said Vick. "This is an important committee to serve on, especially this session as we work to craft a two-year budget. Since the governor released his budget proposals, there's been a lot of talk about increasing taxes. Though we have many important programs and services that need funding, we need to ensure taxpayers' dollars are spent wisely."
The committee of 16 now consists of nine Democrats and seven Republicans.
"With a tight margin in the committee, we'll all have to come to the table, ready to take part in some serious negotiations. I'm looking forward to the conversation and hope we can agree on sound policies that move Washington forward," said Vick.
The 2015 legislative session is scheduled to adjourn April 26.
He lied about the committees he was on as a part of campaign... and he's making this announcement on the off chance that someone like me doesn't come along and point out the obvious:

If they had really wanted him there, they'd have put him there.  Adding a seat wouldn't have been necessary.

Vick is something of a political minimalist.

He does absolutely the minimal amount needed to remain in office... not unlike that clueless moron repping us in Congress.

 And he lies about it.

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