Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What is it with democrats and bigotry? Are they that desperate?

Look.... I get that part of the illegal alien shtick is that the democrats believe they've got the illegal alien vote nailed down: that's why they freak out over efforts to prove citizenship and identification to be able to vote in this country... because God forbid that you have to at least provide the same level of ID needed to vote that you'd need to cash a welfare check... but what is it with this democrat bigotry?

Democrats were a major player in the days of and the organization of the Klan.  After all, their sainted Robert Byrd was a Grand Dragon is memory serves.

But between the hatred and bigotry of our own democrat front group of the laughingly-so-called Clark County Citizens for Good Governance over Christians generally and David Madore in particular.... and democrats in the Federal Way Mark Miloscia race here within the last few days.... and now, this:
 The Blog

GOP Senate Candidate Called 'Uncle Tom' at Hillary/Hagan Rally in N.C.

9:15 AM, Oct 28, 2014 • By DANIEL HALPER             
Republican Senate candidate Thom Tillis was called "Uncle Tom" at a recent Senator Kay Hagan rally in North Carolina. Hillary Clinton was also on hand to help rally Democrats in support of Hagan--and the possible presidential candidate specifically praised the speaker who made the questionable comments. 
The remarks were from Alma Adams, who is running for Congress from North Carolina's 12th Congressional District. Here's audio:

"We need to send Uncle Tom -- Tillis, that is -- home," she told the crowd to cheers and applause. 
When it was Hillary Clinton's turn to speak, she had the highest praise for Adams, who just moments earlier used the questionable phrase about Hagan's Republican opponent.

"Let me add Alma Adams," Clinton said after praising Hagan at length, "because we need more women like her in Congress. We need her compassion and her common sense. We need her sartorial excellence. She's going to shake things up. I think the Kay-Alma combination is really going to put North Carolina ahead of the parade." 
The comments were made over the weekend, but went unnoticed. 
Daniel Halper is author of Clinton, Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine.
Why is it the left is comfortable with this plantation mentality and they feel free to engage in this sort of thing with impunity?

Can you even begin to imagine the left's faux outrage if a Republican had babbled like that and a major Republican candidate had responded like Hillary?

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